sam pepper rant

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so, i've been watching a ton of sam pepper rants and shit

so, bAsically, apparently, sam pepper has abused a lot of girls. nOt fucking okay.

this viner (she deleted her vine and idk who the bitch is) said her friend (don't know who that is either), but was hit by sam and was hit sO hard fell on the ground sobbing, and this friend went to the viner and told the viner. and you know shit happened

and some other people say (all woman) that he's hit them. one person said she was joking around and sam didn't take it well and hit her.

there's been people that have come out and say they were raped by him.

as you all know (or not), sam pepper made a stupid ass apology video saying "if i was a raper, i'd be in jail" lIKE NO BITCH THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS

so sam pepper is an abuser and rapist so


that's my rant



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