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dan✨: ...

phil🌸: im sorry, what the fuck?

dan✨: it was

dan✨: an accident

connor💓: oR fucking sam forced him into it and now dan has to be friends with sam so he can protect his secret of sam being gay

troye💫: PLOT TWIST

phil🌸: seriously, what the fuck?

dan✨: i didn't mean to

dan✨: it just kind of happened

phil🌸: "i just kind of murdered him" "i just kind of raped her" "I just kind of had sex with someone who isn't my boyfriend" ?????????

dan✨: he asked me for them. he said it was for a video on how fast he could get guys to send him nudes...


phil🌸: you could've sent him someone else's nudes

sam peps👾: that's true

connor💓: OMF SAM GTFO

sam peps👾: so rood

dan✨: get the fucking fuck out you fucking dick i fucking hate you

sam peps👾: fucker

phil🌸: get hit by a bus

phil🌸: :)

sam peps👾: ok

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