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Jon and Richie were sat at the bar in the hotel lobby, drinking enough wine to drown. Lemma walked over to them, drink in hand; "hey guys there's a load of hot chicks outside the hotel," Lemma laughed, "and they're all screaming your name Jon, I guess you can take your pick." Lemma smiled as he walked away. Jon wasn't smiling though, instead he was looking down at his glass- daydreaming.
"What's the matter Jon?" Richie asked, putting his hand round the younger mans shoulder.
Jon rolled his eyes, "nothing," he replied, with a half smile-half frown on his face.
"I've seen that look before, Jon, there's someone else on your mind isn't there? You're in love!" Questioned Richie, making Jon blush.
"Okay, there is someone I like," Jon finally replied, "however I don't think they'd like me. I feel so happy when around 'em and I almost feel like we're supposed to be together.... But even if they knew, it wouldn't work.."
Richie was listening carefully to try and figure out who Jon was talking about. Richie interrupted, "why wouldn't it work?"
"Because people would think its weird, it's wrong!" Jon explained, before taking another swig of his drink. He was close to tears.
"But to me.." Jon continued, "it seems so right. He sighed. Richie put his arm round Jon, comforting him.
"I'm sure whoever she is would like you back. Besides, you're Jon Bon Jovi and you're fucking gorgeous!" Richie tried to reassure Jon.
"It's a 'he' Rich, I'm in love with a guy."

"So you're Bisexual then?" Richie questioned.

"I suppose so," Jon replied, "I didn't now I was until I met you." Jon paused, realising what he had just said.

Richie's eyes widened, "It's me who you like!?" Richie blushed.

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