We could happen...

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Richie opened the hotel door, walked in, kicked the door shut and slammed Jon up against it, plunging his to tongue into his mouth. Jon moaned into the kiss as he reached out to hold Richie's hips. Richie could feel himself growing hard. Still kissing him, Richie walked Jon over to the bed. Richie broke the kiss by pushing Jon onto the bed.
Jon was lying on his back, his cock achingly hard. Richie jumped on top of him, kissing the younger man thoroughly. He kissed his way down Jon's neck, leaving a trail of love bites. A mix of love, pleasure and alcohol left Jon moaning from under Richie.
Richie reached down in between them, and unzipped Jon's jeans. With a struggle, Richie pulled down Jon's tight jeans and then his underwear. Jon groaned.
"I wanna make this special for you Jon," Richie whispered before removing his own clothes.
"Just fuck me already!" Jon screamed.
"No Jon," Richie replied. "I'm gonna make love to you... And not until you're ready. I want to make this last. I want to make you feel special. I love you Jon." Richie explained.
Richie leaned down and kissed the head of Jon's cock, tasting the pre-cum. Without hesitation, he took the whole of Jon's length into his mouth. Jon arched up in rhythm to Richie's sucks. He could tell that Jon was about to release so he sat up and kissed Jon.
"Are you sure you wanna do this Jonny?" Richie asked, wanting to be certain he was okay to go ahead.
"Yeah," Jon replied.
"Okay.. Umm.... Spread your legs," Richie squeezed some lubricant onto his hand. He covered his cock and his fingers. He wanted to make it as easy as possible because he didn't wanna hurt Jon.
"You ready..?" Richie asked


Richie pushed one finger in, massaging the delicate muscle. Then another finger.
"If it hurts, let me know Jon, I'll stop,"

Richie guided his cock into Jon's tight hole. Jon gasped and raised his hips.
It wasn't long Jon came, panting, trying to catch his breath. Richie hasn't come yet, but he didn't care because he'd satisfied Jon.
Jon sat up and looked down at Richie's cock that was still hard. He grabbed it and started pumping Richie as they shared yet another passionate kiss.
Richie realised onto Jon's hand. Richie grabbed a tissue and wiped it up.

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