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[Alexa's POV]
Today was Friday, which meant it was the last day I'd see her this week.
I've grown to hate Fridays, and love Mondays.
And she was still there, still sitting in the same place as usual, as she had been doing for the past 58 days. I wondered if she ever left the wall, and if not, how long she had been sitting there. It seemed such a strange thing to be concerning myself with, but with this girl... I would believe anything.
The way her lips rest over her teeth, the way she holds her head, has an air of determination and defiance about it. Maybe I'm overanalysing her, but such tiny things become more prominent as the days crawl past.
Today, her head was tilted to the floor again, not looking over at me. I looked for a while, trying to memorise every little curl and shade of her cascade of brown hair, that cast a shadow across her face. I wanted to remember everything perfectly in the two days I would go without seeing her. I couldn't read her expression at all from where I stood - not that it was always easy to when she was looking up, by her face alone. Most often, she had a curious, questioning look on her face, while other times it was completely blank, void of all emotion.
She confuses me, yet I still feel I understand her.
Maybe better than I understand myself.

Her.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें