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[Lynn's POV]
Every day I see her.
She walks along the street across from where I sit, her hair changing shade as she moves from the sunlight to the dark, thick shadows of the houses lining the street. I cherish the fleeting moment I see her each day.
Sometimes she pauses, looks at me. More often than not. I look back occasionally, but I've never spoken to her.
I don't feel I need to, to understand her. That never stops me wanting to.
Sometimes I hide my gaze, tilting my head to the floor, but when she walks by I never truly look away. How can I? How could anyone?
One time, she smiled as she walked. The memory of her happiness is etched so deep in my mind, I can never forget the explosion I felt in my own mind when I saw her that way.
I wish I could be the cause of that happiness.
Maybe we have a connection, maybe connections don't exist. Maybe that doesn't matter. I know this girl is special, and that does matter.
She matters.
But I can't act on how I feel.

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