"Who are you?" Somehow, the man and the baby, 'Do I know them..?' They're wearing weird clothes, one might suspect a killer or some sort but I can sense that they come in peace..

The man smirks, reaching out to me, I stand silently, watching. "Really now, dame-Tsuna, forgetting your beloved tutor?" He holds my hair, "Hm... Still as soft as ever."

"Um.." Suddenly, my ears detect a soft, quite sound and looked towards outside. The two noticed it too as they followed me, "Someone.. is there." I informed, fixing my eyes towards the bushes.

I was too occupied with looking outside, where the voice came form and didn't noticed the two looked at each other, "An assassin?" The man says, 'Assassin?'

"Must be Parvento's doings." The baby replied, 'Parvento did what?'

"Oh.. Its coming here.." I look away from the window and see the door, "......" Somehow feeling that something bad is gonna come, I stand near Cozart, protecting him.

Soon the door opens and revealed a man wearing a suits, knivees in hand. The guy seems surprise to see someone is still awake at such hour, nonetheless, he attacks Cozart.

"D.. Don..'t!" I shielded him and closes my eyes waiting for the impact.. but it never came. I open my eyes and saw the unknown man, shot him in the head, leaving a bloodied floor. There was no voice from the green gun.

I look at the corpse... somehow didn't feel scared? terrified? like any normal person will do after seeing a dead body.

"Time for us to leave." The baby announced, the man walked towards the window.

"Will you be visiting some time soon?" Without thinking, I said that.. 'Eh why would I ask that?!'

Them man smirked and patted my head, "Of course. I need to punish you after all, dame-Tsuna." and they are gone.

"....dame-Tsuna.." I mutter quietly,

[.. ..u b...... . w.... .f ...p. ....n.. .]



Reborn's POV

"... Since when dame-Tsuna can speak Italian that fluently?"

"Must be the ring's doings." Bermuda answered. We just arrived back at Vindice's HQ. Jager guarding the entrance door,

"Where did you two run off to." A statement.

"....." we both stays quiet, Jager sighed.


Tsuna's POV

Morning came and I'm sitting on the bed. After the encounter and the mess that comes after, I can't sleep.. my mind kept wandering back to those two, especially the man. 'dame-Tsuna..' that word kept occupying my mind. I sighed, and looked towards the dead corpse and a dried up blood on the floor near Cozart.

I didn't clean it up, since I was unsure of how to do it. The room basically smells like iron. Soon Cozart woke up and the first thing he noticed is the corpse.

He shrieked loudly, the whole mansion could hear his voice. "Whawhawha?!"

"Good morning, Cozart." I greeted, smiling,

"Tsunayoshi!" He run up to me, "A.. are you alright?!" I nodded,

"I'm fine?" Cozart sighed in relief and walk towards the corpse. Just then, a curious maid knocked on the door,

"Excuse me, Lord Cozart? What was that voice just now?" Cozart sweatdropped,

"Uh.. it was uh.." I inwardly giggles,

"More importantly, please enter! Clean this up!" The maid did as she were told, shocked too at the scene,

"Who.. Was there an assassin coming after me?!" Cozart asked to no one in particular, I nodded. He saw me nodding, "Did you perhaps..? Protected me?"

I blinked. 'No.' If the man is not there, I would've protected him but it was not me. "I.." My intuition acting up, "Yes.."

'If I say no, he'll asked who killed him. I've got no choice but to say the two unknown man and a baby.. which seems ridiculous.'

Cozart looks confused but smiles happily, "That's awesome, Tsunayoshi!"

I smile back, "Do you want to become one of my guardian?" I blinked,

"Guardian?" I asked, just then the door opens up and come in the wavy haired man.

"Parvento!" Cozart says, 'Parvento..'

"That won't do, Cozart. She have no flames. and she seems fragile"

"Flames?" I tilt my head to the side, confused,

Cozart lit up a flame out of nowhere from his hands, coloured reddish brown. My eyes widen at this,

"Ahahaha, beautiful isn't it?" I nodded, "Parvento is my cloud guardian, his fmale is purple. My attribute is of Earth." Cozart ceased the fire and looks at Parvento, pointing at the dried up blood on the floor,

"An assassin just came when I was asleep in Tsunayoshi's room and she protected me." Parvento widen his eyes, 'he looks.. surprised?' " Flame or no flame, I want to express my gratitude." continued Cozart as he looks away muttering,
"And if she's my guardian, I can easily protect her." face tainted pink,

'Protect me? What for?' Parvento sighed.

"Tsunayoshi.. Become one of my guardian, please." He looks at me, face with full resolve

"Um..." I could see from the corner of my eyes that Parvento leaves the room with a furious face. I nodded, "Alright." I smile. Cozart cheered happily.


Parvento's POV

I leave the room after hearing.. a name I so loathe.

I walk towards a place where I'm sure nobody is watching or near. I laughed. "So Decimo is here too?" An evil smirks starts forming on my lips, "Lets have fun now, shall we?"

Unaware of a hidden presence.


Checkerface's POV

"......." I watched Parvento laughs like a mad man. Sighing, I left the room to check on Decimo.

"Seems that the hell ring had become one with her." and left the place.

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