Chapter 30

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(Harry's P.O.V)

I'm hurt in so many ways. She bites her lip as I turn around and began to walk in circles. I throw my hands in my hair and grip it tightly.

"Harry I need to talk to you about-"

"Not now Avery." I snapped.

She came towards me and grabbed my wrist forcefully. She dragged me into their room and shut the door.

"Fucking listen to me!" She yells. I laugh because she actually thinks cussing at me will help.

"What's left to say?" I wipe my eyes again as I sit down in a chair near her desk. She paces back in forth in front of me.

"I still love you, you know that right?" Avery stops in front of me as her eyes well with tears. "I don't know, do you?"

She sighs in frustration and sits down. "So you do realize you just fucking cheated on me right." I say and she nods.

"And you know you just lied to my own goddamn face more than once." She nods again.

"And you know how bad I want to scream and yell at you for doing that and how bad I just wanna punch that dick in the face and how bad I want to see the boys again but I do none of that because you realize even though you've fucked up bad I'm still staying with you?"


"Don't play dumb. I know you heard me."

The tension in the air is so tight. I want to snap it and just hold her close but I also want to slap her upside the head. Is it even possible to feel that at the same time?

"You know Harry, if you're so unhappy with me why didn't you just leave the first time huh? Why didn't you just accept the hate because I know you've thought the same things about me that they've said!"

At that moment I broke down.

"Shit. I didn't mean that Harry." She tries to come toward me but I deny it. Instead I go into the bathroom and she follows me of course. The tears won't stop falling. Why the fuck would should even think of me like that?

I go up to the mirror and turn to my side to look at the slowly healing scar on my head. She sighs before letting her head down low. Somewhere lodged into my skull is a small metal bullet, and she honestly believes I'm feeding her that same thing.

"I'm really sorry." She whispers.

"I know. Can I talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I love you." Her eyes never leave the floor as she leaves the room.


(Avery's P.O.V)

I didn't really take offense to him asking me to go. If he had done the same to me I would want time too.

I felt terrible for what I had said. I hated myself for my mouth. When I walked into the living room Jesse was still there.

"Ready now babe?"

"I can't. I can't physically or mentally go." I say before sitting on the couch.

"You promised."

"Yeah I know. But go ahead and keep bothering me, because I'm not going."

"Avery you're coming with me. Now." He demands. I want to reject him again. But because I'm so selfish I get up and follow him out to the car again.

I know Harry won't ever speak to me again. No not after this. How I'm walking out to the car right now, despite everything that we just went through. I'm thinking to myself, what the hell am I doing.

It's too late when Jesse drives away to the restaurant. I pull out my phone and text Harry anyway. Maybe there's a chance he would understand.

'Listen I'm really sorry. Please talk to me.'


(Harry's P.O.V)

When my phone vibrates I ignore it. I need to get back to my room so I can get some rest. There's nothing left to do. I'm hoping Avery is sitting in the living room waiting for me.

I have no idea why. Even after everything I'd do anything to have her right there next to me. I sigh when she's not there. As I trudge into my room I check my phone.

Avery: Listen I'm really sorry. Please talk to me.

Me: If you could be here in five minutes I'd be happy to talk.

Wherever she is I'm begging her to come. I know she will be here. Despite anything that happened I know that's not like her. She's too nice to turn someone down, which is exactly why the nights performance let me down. A lot.

She doesn't respond after 3 minutes as I slid under my covers. I close my eyes as I hear my phone go off. I jump off the bed to a text from her.

Avery: I can't I'm sorry. 2 hours?

Me: Avery please tell me you're not with him.

She replies almost instantly.

Avery: gtg pulling up to the restaurant

No fucking way. I scream and throw my phone across the room. It crashes against the wall but I could give less of a fuck.

Again I climbed into the covers and shut my eyes as tight as I could. I was hoping to block her out, but I couldn't get the image of her with Jesse out of my mind.

Oh how I was going to kill him. She will probably fall in love with him. She will probably follow his steps into thinking I'm some wimp ass guy.

She can't. But maybe I shouldn't set my standards for her so high because every time I seem to be wrong.


(Avery's P.O.V)

"We'll both have waters please." The waiter nods and walks off leaving us alone.

At first he doesn't talk. Which I am glad.

I can't stop thinking about how Harry must feel. There's no way I could lie to him again which is why I blankly told him the truth. I want to break down crying at every second I'm siting here. I'm swallowing everything back.

"Avery did you hear me?" He asks.

"What? Oh uh no sorry what did you say?" I ask.

"That guy looked at you really closely when he walked in." He points behind me as I turn my head.

My jaw practically drops to the floor as I see The back of Jay's head sitting a few tables behind us.

When I face Jesse again I feel sick to my stomach. I need Harry here not him.

"Who the fuck does he think he is!" He says.

I shake my head and grab my purse.

"We need to go Jesse,"

"What? No hell no. I already told you the one condition,"

"I really don't care anymore this is serious. We need to leave."

I'm surprised when he stands up and grabs his keys from his pocket and my stomach falls when Jay turns around and smiles.

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