The Way To The Temple...

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"Wow, huh, I always thought you were just pretending to like me, to make me happy, or something." Silence filled the room.
Jesse looked at the ground, wanting to tell him that she needed to go, but her mouth didn't move.
"Jesse!" Someone yelled. "Hurry up, or we're going without you!" It was Axel.
"Uh, I'll be there in a sec!" Jesse replied. She quickly passed Lukas, still staring at the ground. Lukas followed her.
Jesse made it to the treasure room, where she got new armour, and fixed her sword. She headed down the stairs and out the front door with her friends she's known for years, her friends that she knew will never leave her.
The way there took ages to get to. There were storms of all kinds, it snowed so much, they walked over the ocean.
"So... How far did Ivor say the temple was?" Jesse asked. They were in the swamp.
"Axel, Ivor never said we'd pass a swamp." Olivia announced.
"It's a shortcut."
"Well, if this IS a shortcut, we'd better hurry. I don't want to get tangled with a witch, again." Lukas said. He pushed his goggles back on his forehead.
"But Jesse did get that cake, for us." Axel started to walk.
"Yeah, too bad I wasn't there." Petra added.
"I almost forgot about that." Lukas said.
Just then, an arrow flew at Jesse, and just missed her leg.
"Jesse!" Lukas yelled. Everyone pulled out their weapons. Another arrow shot out, hitting the tree behind Petra.
"New Order Of The Stone? Let's do this." Jesse said. They all ran, trying to find the skeletons. They didn't find any. The sun was up.
Another arrow flew passed them, cracking Axel's glass helmet.
"Nice shot!" They heard someone yell from a distance. They knew that voice like the backs of their hands. Aiden.

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