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1. How can my stories be clarified as a part of The People Of Society series?

Simply add the hashtag #ThePeopleOfSociety to your story's tags. However, please make sure that your books fit the campaign's idea.

2. How to have my stories added to the campaign's reading list?

In order for your book to be added to the account's reading list(s), please find the form (which is the chapter entitled FORM in this book), fill it & message it to the account. Your story will then be considered!

3. How can I have the campaign's sticker, banner or sash on my cover?

The link for them are in our profile's 'about'. You can add them to your cover using editing applications like Picmonkey, Canva, or Photoshop.

If you find any difficulties in adding them to your cover, message --constellations  directly. She'll be more than happy to help you with it.

Feel free to comment on the campaign's official "Book Covers" work, or message them through our pm, or directly for help.

4. How can my project / movement become affiliates with this campaign?

We are happy to say that we are currently accepting requests for affiliations! Simply pm us a little about your campaign and why you would like for it to be linked with ours as an affiliate! It will be considered, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

5. I don't see a reading list that my story falls under, can one be made?

Of course! Please send us a pm about a reading list you would like to be made, and we will consider your request!

6. I would love to be an admin...what should I do?"

Message us! We're so happy to see so much involvement in our campaign, and we'll let you know if we're looking for admins. Currently, we have things covered, but we'll let you know if there are openings. Always be on the lookout for our application link that will go out every time we are looking for a new admin.

7. "What other ways can I be involved?"

Spread the word about our campaign! Tell your friends and encourage them to check us out! You can also read our  monthly magazine, Society Speaks, to be updated on other big ways to be involved. Society Speaks will alert you on writing prompts to join, ways to have your PoS book advertised, and new contests to join!


Have more questions? Feel free to leave it in the comment section and we will reply ASAP!


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