Her eyes had grown wide in horror because she knew what was coming.

“I don’t blame her for beating the shit out of you. Of course, I’m going after her, but you deserved what you got.”

I nudged her thighs apart with my knee, her head turning away from my face. “I told you not to touch her, and you disobeyed me.” I grumbled, undoing my belt buckle with one hand as I held hers above her head with the other.

“No, no please--” She begged, but  ignored her, attaching my teeth to her neck and sucking hard.

“I’ll do what you want, please--”

“Shut up!” I yelled, reaching down to yank off the barrier between us and leaving her bare. She was crying now, tears streaming down her face.

“You’re sick!” She screamed, and I just laughed, nodding my head.

“I know, Babe.” 

Niall's POV

I flipped on the lights to the gym, leaving most of them off but the far corner illuminated. Sighing, I walked over to where the punching bags and jump ropes were, tossing down my bag and reaching to pull my shirt over my head. I needed to let out some stress, and this was the only way I knew how. Everything felt like it was coming down on me, and I couldn’t talk about it with anyone. Especially not Bleu. 

After I’d hauled off my shirt and kicked off my trainers, I reached for my gloves. I took a seat on a stack of mats, pulling them on and tightening the straps before I stood again, thoughts racing through my mind. Everything from last week and those events, up to the fight with Bleu that had happened just this afternoon. God, I hated fighting with her, but she was so damned stubborn. And she just didn’t know how far I’d go-how far I was going-just to be sure that she was safe. All of the time. And it was no easy task. 

I slammed my fist into the side of the bag, the pleasure canceling out the pain. His face flashed through my mind, behind my eyes as I squeezed them shut, pounding the bag again. How he smirked when he gave me the offer…and the consequence if I refused. I grabbed the bag, kneeing the bottom before I slammed my fist into it over and over. I remembered the aching feeling of betrayal as I accepted, making a deal with the devil himself. 

I fought this imaginary person until I ached and sweat poured off of my body, but I went onto the speed bag, putting my hands up before I began to work with that. I puffed out my timed breaths, everything else becoming blurry as I focused on just this. It felt like before, when I angry and alone and I didn’t have someone. Someone like Bleu. I was astonished at how she actually came to like me, and how I found myself needing her…the first time I’d ever really needed something and not just wanted it. And that’s why I would do anything to protect her. 

I stopped my workout, breathing harshly and near exhaustion as I grabbed my water bottle, swigging on it when my phone started ringing. It was around eleven-who would be calling this late? I didn’t recognize the caller ID, but I answered it anyway, trying to get my breathing under control. “Hello?” I gulped down more water, waiting for the static to clear on the other line.

“Did you do it?” His raspy voice spoke on the other end, and I froze. My head pounded and my heartbeat sped up, my breathing finally slowing down.

“No. I haven’t.” I spoke low and short, no room for protest. He breathed out a heavy sigh, and I tightened my grip on the phone.

“You have a deadline, boy.”

I gritted my teeth against the obvious anger I had for the man, trying to keep myself under control. “I know. I’ll get it done tonight.” I said.

dissolve. nhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora