Gender Bender Day

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So, this week is prom week at my school, and we have a whole spirit week to celebrate, and we have all of these dress up days and stuff.

Today happened to be gender bender day, where guys would dress as girls and vice versa.

Now, most guys (as per usual) wore tank tops, strapless/low cut dresses, short-shorts, and really short skirts. And the don't get dress coded.

This ticks me off majorly, because it's unfair because we aren't allowed to where that type of stuff to school, but they are?

However, two teachers of mine nearly dress coded two students!

In my drawing class, a guy had his shirt rolled up so it looked like a crop-top (which aren't allowed) and my drawing teacher saw this. He told the kid that if he didn't pull down his shirt, he'd give the kid a deans referral.

In my math class, a guy had a dress on that was very low cut (if it were on a girl, it would've showed her cleavage off) and it was strapless. He did have a jacket on, so I'll give him that. However, my math teacher walked in, saw him, and said; "You're lucky you have that jacket on or I would've dress coded you."

I love my teachers this year. XD

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