Chapter 12

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I awoke prematurely once again the next morning. I scowled at my alarm clock, it was only five-thirty in the morning. This was maddening. I hadn't been able to sleep through the night in weeks. I threw the blanket off my body knowing I would not be able to fall back to sleep now that I was already wide awake. If I wasn't spending my time worrying about Draco than I was worrying about my friends and their hatred towards me. It had been another two weeks since my final standoff against my friends. Lines had been drawn, sides had been chosen and while I stayed with Draco, I no longer existed to my friends. It had been the most difficult thing to overcome but I had accepted their decision, there was no other choice.

I hurried through my shower, completely unable to relax under the hot water. I pulled my uniform on, Hermione hadn't moved at all. I was glad she was able to sleep.

I walked sluggishly down the girls' staircase into the common room. I felt exhausted already and I had just woken up. I jolted when I saw Ron sitting on the couch, staring at the embers in the fireplace. He couldn't sleep either and it was obvious, I didn't need to hear his thoughts. He hadn't heard my footsteps so I wondered if I could sneak by him unnoticed. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts and approached him. I hesitantly sat beside Ron, his face remained indifferent as I sat down.

"Morning." I said quietly.

"Hey Mel."

"Alright, I got two words out of you." I teased.

Ron sighed and laughed once, he didn't like not speaking to each other.

"I can't stand Malfoy, but Harry--he's acting like an ass."

"Thanks Ron, I understand."

"He's a Death Eater Mel, you have to know that. Harry's been following him, he's up to something." Ron said bluntly.

I stared at Ron completely baffled, I had never noticed Harry following Draco. I didn't think Draco was doing anything worthy of being followed.

"What's he doing then?"

"Aren't you two practically Siamese? Shouldn't you know?"

"We aren't together all the time Ron. I trust Draco, I'm not suspicious of him at all. His parents on the other hand can't be trusted for anything but I trust Draco."

"I'd reconsider, did you know he's been to the Room of Requirement almost every night since the start of term? He spends the entire night there."

I gaped at Ron, I had no idea. Draco and I always parted ways at our curfew, I had never thought to follow him afterwards. What business did Draco have at the Room of Requirement?

"Just think about it Mel. You're one of the smartest people I know, I'd hate to see you get hurt by something that was right in front of you this entire time."

"Thanks Ron, really."

Ron nodded and patted my leg, I knew then we had resolved our fight. I wasn't sure when--or if--things would ever return to how they were before but I was so glad to know exactly where Ron and I stood. He was worried, I would accept that over his former anger.

"So you're going to that SlugClub party I expect?" Ron asked after a few quiet moments.

"I don't know, that dinner the other night was unbelievably awkward. I suppose I can avoid Harry a bit easier at a party but Draco has no interest in going so I'd have to go alone. It's a ridiculous popularity contest anyways."


I could tell that Ron was bitter over not being chosen to be a part of Professor Slughorn's--the Potions master--infamous "SlugClub". I had been chosen and I didn't want the attention just because my marks were so high.

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