"I am so sorry Harry." I mumbled through my tears. "I am so sorry." I repeated.

Harry watched with me wide eyes, he was surprised by my emotions. He patted my back gently as I sobbed. He held onto my shoulder as I wiped the tears away. I hugged him immediately and sobbed into his neck.

"Please don't hate me Harry. Please. I can't lose you."

"It's alright Mel. Everything will be fine."

"Promise me Harry."

"I promise." He whispered.

I pulled away and wiped my cheeks. My chest heaved inconsistently as the sobs began to cease.

"Malfoy will hurt you Mel, we can't have that. I can't have that."

"He wouldn't hurt me, he loves me." I muttered.

"Love? That monster couldn't love anything."

"He loves me Harry. I know we've all had our issues with him but if you could see how he is with me, you don't know him Harry."

Hermione and Ron sighed as they watched us argue again. They were both so relieved when they thought we had reconciled. I loved my friends but I loved Draco too, Draco needed me too and I wouldn't abandon him. As guilty as I felt, I was quickly reminded of Dumbledore's words. He deserves to have some positivity in his life.

"Well, it's us or him." Harry stated simply, folding his arms over his chest.

"Harry!" Hermione interjected.

"Alright fine, it's me or him. They can do whatever they want. But I can't continue our friendship if you stay with Malfoy. You'll end up buried in the ground and I can't stand that."

"You don't understand Harry, you'll never understand. This isn't a choice between you and him. It's either pleasing you or following what has already been foreseen. Trelawney made a prophecy right in front of me, even Dumbledore thinks I'm good for Draco. I have to follow my heart, if you can't understand that then so be it. But there's no choice Harry. I thought you of all people would understand that."

Hermione was holding onto Ron's arm tightly as I walked past them towards the staircase. I knew Hermione would follow, to try to make me see reason.

"Say what you want but I'm not changing my mind."

"Please Mel, he's no good." Hermione begged as she closed our bedroom door.

"You don't know him. I love him too Hermione, there's no going back for me now. All of you will understand once this horrible war is over."

"It may never be over Mel. It's hardly begun, almost everyone is still in complete denial. But we know what side Malfoy's family is on, we've seen it with our own eyes. When it comes down to a fight, who do you think Malfoy will stand with? Whatever he says to you in private may sound like gospel, but he is not going to switch his allegiances. Not for you, not for anyone. I think he is much too cowardly to do something so courageous."

"You don't know him Hermione." I spat with clenched teeth.

"Neither do you. This isn't a game, this is real life. This isn't one of your romance novels Mel, he can't be saved. It's too late for him. And who will you stand with when it comes down to a fight? You will have to choose eventually whether you want to or not. Don't forget how you were raised, don't forget what house you were placed in. Don't be blinded by him and the idea of a happy ending."

"It won't be easy Hermione, I know that. I will protect him with all that I am."

"Who?" Hermione asked.

I stared at Hermione and my heart sank. I had been so certain that I would stand with Harry no matter what and protect him. But now I felt so protective of Draco too. Draco was so frightened inside, he needed protecting. Harry was the strongest person I knew and he wouldn't be alone, he had Hermione and Ron by his side. Draco had no one.

"Draco. Draco needs me. He trusts me. I won't leave him."

"Then I have to stand by what I said before, you're making this choice alone. I'm sorry."

I couldn't utter a single sound as Hermione left our room. I knew it distressed her to turn her back on me but she could not accept what I had chosen, who I had chosen. I wasn't sure why I was so surprised by their reaction, I knew they despised Draco before we even began our relationship. Their response is exactly what I had been anticipating, I guess I just hoped they would prove me wrong.

I looked down at Draco's shirt and laughed, I did look rather ridiculous in Slytherin colors. I took the shirt off and placed it under my pillow, it still smelled like Draco. I smiled but the worry quickly consumed me. My friends were so certain that Draco was up to something devious, I needed to find out what it was. I needed to ease their anxiety too. Maybe if they realized how normal Draco was, they could come to accept him.

I sighed as I flung myself against my mattress, this situation was not going to get any easier. I wasn't sure how long it would be until I or someone else would explode. I couldn't help but be reminded of Dumbledore's words again, all will come to the surface very soon. I wasn't sure when but I was suddenly very afraid of the consequences I would have to face.

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