Chapter 30 - Something In The Air

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Copyright: CLG March 2013

Chapter 30

Something In The Air

Duncan returned to the Hotel Mercure having paid for passage back home to England for all of them. As he entered the room, he saw Troianne in bed asleep with Diana laying by her side. He crept softly over to the bed and knelt down on his knees. Lightly touching his Angels cheek, he spoke; "Angel wake up, its me, are you ready to go home?" Coal black lashes fluttered as she slowly came awake, her eyes glowing emerald green against the bloodshot whites of her eyes. He could see that this trip had taken a lot out of her, especially so quickly after giving birth to Diana. He swore to himself when he got her home, he would make sure she had uninterrupted rest for however long she desired.

"Hello Darling," she yawned looking into his mesmerizing beautiful grey eyes. "How soon can we leave?

"We leave in two hours. I have bought a few things for you and Diana, in order that you will be made comfortable for the trip home."

He pointed to a box that he had place on the table in the center of the room. She noticed that he had been shaved and had a new set of clothes. "Did you get a bath?" She asked curiously?

"Yes my dear, I have ordered a tub to be brought up to you for your bath also. It should be here momentarily."

"Oh Duncan thank you ever so much. I had fear that if I did not get a bath soon that I was going to stink up the whole ship!" Laughing they looked down to see Diana's eyes open and a small smile appear on her tiny rosebud lips. Duncan would never be able to get over how beautiful this little girl was and how much she meant to him already. He picked her up cooing to her like only a father can. "You my little princess shall have a bath also, I do think your nappy is in need of a change."

Troianne rose from the bed just as a knock came upon the door. "That should be your tub my angel."

Troianne let the hotel staff in with the copper tub, "Man that must be heavy?" She asked as the two young men looked at her with a puzzled look. Obviously her language sounded different to them. She let out a giggle. "I mean, thank you good sirs, I appreciate your service." They proceeded to carry in buckets of hot water to fill the tub. Troianne was itching to get in and wash her hair! It had been several days since she had been able to wash it and she wondered if she had lice from all the itching that had been going on up there. One of the young men had a bucket full of soap and bubbles that he emptied into the tub. He also produced a bar of soap, three cloth drying sheets (towels) and a rag for washing. She was delighted to see that nothing had been left out, the smell of roses wafted to her nose and she sighed. This was going to be heavenly.

Once the young men had left the room, she started stripping off her dress, not realizing the evil grin that Duncan had on his face watching her. As she started to take off her slip, she turned and realized he was standing there with Diana in his arms staring at her.

"Oh Good Lord Duncan, I completely forgot you were standing there I was in such a rush to get into this tub."

"By all means Angel don't let me stop you."

"Duncan!" She stood with hands on her hips. "You are gonna need to leave or something while I bathe."

"Leave, but where am I to go?"

"I don't care, but you can't just stand there and watch me, its indecent!"

"I have to hold Diana, what else would I do?"

Putting her index fingernail in her mouth she thought for a second and decided that the best way to handle this was for him to turn around while she entered the bathtub. Then she could have him hand Diana to her and they would both take a bath together.

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