Chapter 6 - Dawning

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Copywrite: CLG March 2013

Chapter 6


Sometime in the wee hours of the night, Duncan falls asleep in the chair.

As the sun rises in the Eastern sky, the storm is over and the sweet rays of sunshine beam through the windows of Cusworth Hall. Troianne wakes up to the restless grunts of her child. She rises from the bed and is surprised to see Duncan asleep in the chair next to the bed. Ignoring the sleeping man she quietly reaches into the cradle on the opposite side of the bed to pick up her fussing baby girl.

"There, there my little one. Mamma is here for you."

"You have slept a long time, you must be hungry?" As if to answer her mother the baby lets out a loud cry. Troianne settles little Diana to her breast and coos softly to her new child.

"You were hungry, you little piggy." Stroking her daughters coal black hair she revels in the amazing fact that she is a mother now, she is depended on for this child's very existence. She has a responsibility now to nurture and love this very special gift from God. Smiling she feels so blessed.

Looking around the bedroom, she wonders again how all of this happened. Why she is here and why now?

Her eyes meet with Duncan's misty grays and a smiling face that shone as bright as the sun.

"Good morning Doctor."

"Good morning Miss Shelden."

"I see our little Diana is quite happy with her morning meal."

"Yes it seems we have a little piggy here." she giggles as the baby makes a snorting sound.

He said OUR, why would he say that? He acts as if he is the baby's father.

The two laugh at the noise Diana is making while she feeds. Leaning over the bed and touching the baby's head, Duncan smiles down at the small bundle in her beautiful mothers arms.

He can feel it, he is already falling in love with both of them.

This man is evoking strong emotions in Troianne, what is it about him that feels so right. She feels comfortable around him. Like he has always been in her life. But how can that be?

She is most perplexed. Liking the feelings she is having for Duncan, she watches as he sits down beside her.

Duncan turns his face to her, so close, so warm and inviting, he cannot help himself. He kisses her. She does not move, she feels his soft lips and loses herself completely in this wonderful moment.

Spiraling into an abyss, their souls are becoming entwined. Its as if they were meant to be in this moment, in this time, in this place. Together.

Duncan ends the kiss and looks deeply troubled, checking himself mentally, he rises off of the bed and leaves the room abruptly.

She watches him leave with her fingers pressed to her lips. In all her days she had never been kissed like that.

"Oh my, what a man!"

Looking down at her daughter she says; "My goodness Diana, what are we to do?"

No answer comes from the child, she is sound asleep snuggled to her mothers breast.

Troianne (Book 1 of A Time Travel Society Novel Series)Where stories live. Discover now