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Edward's POV

Bella is just... Bella. Stubborn, awkward, infuriating, gorgeous, beautiful, perfect in every way.

To get the taste of Tanya out of my mouth I decide to go to one of Emmett's favourite clubs, without Emmett of course as he is still in the custody of Chief Swan.

And rightly so.

He may be my brother, and I may supposedly hate Bella, but in no way can I condone what he did, even if he did it for me to a girl I actually detested. Even if he had done it to Bella, even if he had done it to Tanya, I wouldn't want to ever admit he is my brother.

I cannot condone hitting a woman, or a child, no matter what gender.

As I step into the Kareoke Bar, I spot a familiar honey-blond standing at the bar waiting for service. I walk and sit next to him.

Jasper smiles, "Bella's still not pressing charges."

I grimace, "I know, She's so frustrating."

"She's also singing," Jasper laughs, and turns to look at the stage.

My mouth drops open as I spot Bella standing on stage in a purple mini dress and knee high black leather boots. Her make up frames her eyes perfectly as they dart around nervously, assessing the crowd.

Finally her eyes land on me, and her mouth forms a small 'o'. In her shock at seeing me next to Jasper, Bella almost misses the intro of the song.

It doesn't take me long to realise what Bella is singing, I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace.

My mouth drops open as I realise how much the song applies to me. I used to hate everything about Bella...

So why do I love her?

Maybe because she simply isn't... Tanya.

Unlike Tanya, Bella is kind and doesn't require heavy amounts of make up just to feel good about herself, in fact Bella barely ever wears make up to the office, as she looks perfectly beautiful without it. This is probably the only time I have ever seen her in make up this heavy.

Unlike Tanya, Bella doesn't try to seduce me every time I even look at her.

The song soon ends and I clap and cheer with everyone else. Bella blushes profusely and almost falls off the stage. She gingerly makes her way towards us, nervous about the fact I'm here I suppose. I sigh to myself as she disappears into the corwd and I can't see her beautiful face anymore. 

Bella takes longer than she should to get through the crowd, and all three of us start to worry. "Where is she?" Alice whines, having already gone through the crowd to look for Bella. 

"I'm sure she'll be here soon, Al," Jasper murmurs to her, and I only just hear it over the loud thump of the music. A woman who must be in her mid-forties is on stage singing Last Friday Night by Kety Perry and I honestly think I'm going deaf. 

The Bella's next to us, blushing harder than she did while singing, and that's saying something. 

"What happened to you, Bella?!" Jasper exclaims. "We were worried about you!"

Bella looks down, blushing even harder. Wow. "Umm... This guy stopped me." 

I almost growl, and Alice narrows her eyes at Bella. "I hope you kicked him in the balls." 

Bella giggles. "Why would I do that when he offered me a record deal?" 

We all gape and Alice finally squeals. "A record deal! Oh my God Bella! What did you say?!" 

Bella grins at Alice's enthusiasm. "I told him I'd think about it." 

"What do you think you will say?" Jasper inquires, eyeing my reaction as he spots my worried face. 

"I think I'm going to say yes." 

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