"Lets talk again after I found Magi." She smiles and nodded. I Left to search for her.


Tsuna's POV

After the redhead man left the room, I sit there, feeling somewhat.. tired. I sighed and look out to the windows, "Who am I?" I mutter quietly, seeing the bright blue sky.

'Mafia...' That word filled my mind. "Famiglia.."

[.o y.. .e.... a ....d o. h.... e...... .]

I blinked. 'What was that?' I look around, confused, 'What was that voice just now?'


Bermuda's POV

"Decimo.." I say silently, hoping that she'll be fine on her own.. for now.

"Bermuda-sama." Small Gia called out, "The arcobaleno will be here soon." I floats,

"Lets go." And we all teleport to where the incoming presence from the future are at.


Reborn's POV

Alright, its been a weeks. That dame student of mine is still not here and half of the population of Namimori is in fear for the guardian's wrath. Leon gun ready in my hand and Bermuda appears in Tsuna's room, "Dame-Tsuna, punishment time."


Through the same machine Millefiore had, I traveled back in time with the help of the Vindice. 'That was a harsh landing..hm?' I feel somewhat.. taller. I noticed that I'm in the forest, and I stands up, dusting the leaves off of my clothes..

"What's this? I'm back to my original form?" Leon crawled to my shoulder, "Looks like its just me and you, buddy." At that, a mist suddenly engulf the place and after that I was in another place.

"We're here too, Arcobaleno sun." Announce Bermuda as he floats in front of me.

"Bermuda." I greeted.

"Welcome to Vindice's HQ, Reborn."

"So where's dame-Tsuna?"


"What do you mean dame-Tsuna is in Simon's mansion. Explain why he lost his memory and he's a Vongola boss, how dare you make him as your member." The whole hour had passed by by filling in the information. I clicked my tongue, 'How troublesome.'

Bermuda stays quiet and Jager sighed, "So is Checkerface an ally or an enemy."

"We don't really know." answered Alejandro, I stands up and leave the room, "Where are you going?"

"To where dame-tsuna is at, what else? You expect me to stay around this.. gloomy eerie place? No thank you." Just as I took a step outside the room, chains formed out of nowhere making an X sign, "Not allowing me to leave, huh?"

"If you leave, Decimo will get caught."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your future and in this timeline. You body looks the same and similar, but taller. Not a baby. arvento will know that its you. But on the other hand, Decimo is.."

I raised an eyebrow, "dame-Tsuna what?"

"Is a girl." Continued Bermuda. I widen my eyes, shocked.


Asari's POV

"A letter for Alaude?" The maid nod, and handed it to me,

"Its from Lord Cozart." The maid leaves after doing his job,

"Well.. If its coming from Cozart, not adressing it to Giotto, must be something serious de gozaru." I look at the letter, "What to do.. He's off doing his missions in another town.. Should I take a peek?"

I did. "何? A brunette? No way.. right?" I put the letter back on Alaude's table, leaving the mansion, 'Time to check the situation myself. Giotto will be happy for this if its her, で  ござる '


The distance between Vongola mansion and Simon mansion is not long. Its just after a few towns. I arrived some hours later, the maid recognized me and let me inside the mansion. They guided me to where Cozart are at and I stand near a room.

I could hear laughter coming out from the room, I knock the door and let myself in, "Cozart, you here?"

"Asari?!" Cozart noticed me and stands up from the bed he's sitting on. There on the bed, sat the brunette girl I and Alaude encountered.

"Ah.. Tsunayoshi.. or was it Azzurra?" I say, 'Talbot says his name is Tsunayoshi.. while Alaude tells that its wrong.. I'm confused.'

"Huh?" Cozart seems confused, "Anyways, why are you here? Is Alaude here too?"

I shook my head, "He left doing his mission in another town and won't be coming back soon so I just.. come here in replace of him."

"Is that man your friend, Cozart?" The brunette.. uh.. Tsunayoshi 'Talbot is her brother so it should be correct..', asked while smiling,

"Ah yes, this is Asari. My friend." Cozart smiles, introducing us,

"Hello. I'm Ugetsu Asari. A Japanese. Nice to meet you Tsunayoshi-san"

"Tsunayoshi?" The two says in chorus, confused,

"Ah right the letter.. well you see.."


"I have a big brother?" Tsuna says, surprise filled in her voice, I nods.

"Talbot have a little sister ?! How come I didn't know that?" Cozart, too, seems bewildered.

"Ahahaha.. Oh right, I have a request for you, Tsunayohi-san."

"What is it?" She smiles,

"Talbot is worried about your whereabouts. Visit him sometime soon, please. Also a friend of mine wants to meet you."

"Big brother..?" She repeated, uncertainly. "Uh.." Her hand reaches out towards Cozart's shirt, tugging him, 'Is she scared? Probably. She just lost her memory after all and saying that she has a sibling will freak her out..'

Cozart sit closer near Tsunayoshi, holding her hads, ensuring that it'll be find, 'Ahahaha, what's this? Giotto will cry when he sees this.' I laugh inwardly,

"Whose the friend that wants to meet Tsunayoshi, Asari?" I look towards Cozart and says, "Giotto."

At that moment, Tsunayoshi's head landed on Cozart's chest, the said man blushed, "W..w..what's wrong, Tsunayoshi?!" Cozart's face is flushed red. 'Ahahaha Good thing Giotto isn't here.'

"I'm sorry.. I just felt dizzy for a second.. can I rest for awhile?" She says weakly, Cozart help her to lay on the bed, "Get well soon, Tsunayoshi." and we both left the room.


Me and Cozart enter the living room and on the sofa, facing each other, "..... So.." Starts Cozart as he looks nervous, "Is she the one Giotto is smitten with..?"

I laugh, smiling, "Yeah." Cozart sighed, "Good luck to the both of you~" I cheered, Cozart blushed,

"I.. I'm not!!" "Ahahahaa~"

"Oh right, I got a new guardian." Cozart change the subject,

"Really? who?"

"He went out to do some errands.. Oh I know, if Tsunayoshi is well, I'll pay a visit to Talbot and you guys together with Tsunayoshi and my new guardian." Informed Cozart happily,

I nods. "Well, time for me to return back de gozaru. See you later, Cozart."

"See you later, Asari." And I returned back to the Vongola HQ, smiling.

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