Chapter 2 - Meeting The Emo

Start from the beginning

He glared at me. "Do I know you?"

I looked hurt, but I wasn't. "I'm the new girl."





"Oh. Why would you think I'm emo?"

I stared at the ground. "Just guessed you're like Itachi," I mumbled to myself, but apparently, he heard, but unfortunately, only the word, "Itachi."

"What did you just say?!"



Oh my gosh, not another Itachi. But then again, I luff Itachi!

I sighed, then spotted Naruto. "SEE YA." I ran to Naruto, trying to fullfill my Akatsuki mission. "Heyyyy, Narutooooo."

"Hey, uh....Mari?"

I grinned. "Yup. So wanna go eat lunch together?"

"Sorry, eating lunch with Sakura!" he grinned.

Sakura, Sakura... Was that the girl with pink hair who looked like she wanted to murder me when I sat next to Sasuke?

"Her pink hair is beautiful..."

Yes. Yes it was.

I sighed. "Okay then... Well, I gotta go," I said, and just ran back to Sasuke to learn even more about the Uchihas. About Itachi.



"Whoa, geez, never knew you were such a peoples person," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes after sitting down next to him on a park bench.


"AHH, KILL ME NOW!" I said as I banged my head against the wall.

He stared at me like I was eating live worms for lunch.

"What? LIke scrap?" I said, smirking.

He scooted farther away from me, and I laughed like there was no tomorrow, then randomly stopped and stared seriously at him. "What.Happened.To.Your.Clan?"

He flinched, and looked away. "None.Of.Your.Business."

I....OMG...poked him. "But I wanna knowwwwwwwwww. Pwease????????????"




"Pweeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeeee, and don't say no."


"Really?" I said, sounding enthusiastic.


When lunch was over, I saw Sasuke's eyes gleam with happiness that he didn't have to listen to me beg about his clan, but I did sit next to him, so when I sat down, he got all depressed again. Emo freak.

When Iruka Sensei talked more about the test tomorrow, I didn't listen 'cuz I knew I would pass. AKATSUKI MEMBER. Hehehehehe.....

I poked Sasuke. "Pwease?"


I waited for ten minutes, then leaned over to him. "Pweaseee??"


I waited another ten minutes, then slipped him a note. I saw him open it.


Circle yes or no:

Yes No

I saw him circle with his pencil and he slipped it back to me. Of course the emo freak chose that.


When class was over, I went to the Hokages office to get an apartment.

"Okay, your apartment is exactly to the right of Sasuke Uchiha's."

I smirked. I get to bother him at school and home? Sweetness.

I bowed and said 'Arigato,' then walked out. I saw Naruto and remembered my Akatsuki mission that had completely slipped my mind before. "NARUTO!!!!"


"Why don't you and me say uh...go get something to eat?"

"SURE! Do you like Ramen?"

"Uh...I guess?"

"GREAT!" he said with a grin, then grabbed my hand and dragged me to this place called "Ichiraku's."

I sat down. "Oookaaayy..." I said when I saw him finish 3 bowls when I was only done with half of one.

"Dude, you're going to get that all stuffed in your throat and die. Now, do you want to die?" I said with an evil grin that would probably make Itachi run for the 2nd Dimension. Whoa, Phineas and Ferb moment.

He stared at me. "Sowwy...." he said with a stuffed mouth and I slowly turned away from his 'mouth food.'

"Yea, really needed to see that..." I murmured to myself sarcastically and he didn't hear through all the vacuum noises he makes when he inhales ramen.

When he finally finished, we walked down town. "Wanna take a walk in the park?" I said, knowing the park was empty because I checked it earlier when he was to busy practically making out with his ramen.

He yawned. "Nah, maybe tomorrow. I wanna go home and sleep."

I threw a fit inside my body, yelling profanities inside my mind. How am I gonna fulfill my Akatsuki mission if I can't get this cat alone?! I could knock him out and capture him now...but there's to many villagers around and if they saw me beating the pee out of this guy they would be all like, "OOOH OOH OOH, I'M TELLIN'," so no. I decided just to wait. "Tomorrow?" I asked pleadingly.

"Yeah!" he said, grinning, then gave me the 'thumbs up.' "BELIEVE IT!"

Anime veins popped up on my head. "I BETTER BE ABLE TO BELIEVE IT!" I yelled at him and he anime sweat-dropped. "If I'm not to busy.." he murmured. "WHAT?!" "NOTHING!!' he said, and I sighed. "Night," we said in unison as we parted ways.

When I got home, I noticed Sasuke's bedroom window was open and I saw him in his bed. I grinned.

I picked up a rock, wrote "Pwease?" on a piece of paper and tied the paper to the rock with a rubberband, then threw the rock through the window and saw it hit him.

I walked to my bed to tidy the blankets since they were all hummajang when something hard hit me in the head.

It was the rock I threw in the emo's room except it had a different piece of paper on it.

I untied the paper and read it.




Thank you guys for reading and fanning and commenting and stuffies! *forces group hug*

Aw man! Did I just suffocate my fans again?!


Oh well! *skips away*

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