Mother dear...

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The next morning Olivia did her daily routine of waking up at 6 im the morning then getting ready. After taking her shower, she lotioned her skin then put on her red slacks and a nice straight black shirt with ruffles and her black pumps. Olivia's style was always different compared to her family. Growing up 2 other sisters she was always hassled on what to wear.

While her sisters were into dresses and skirts, Olivia prefered jeans and shorts. Instead of heeels and sandles, she liked sneakers and flats. Of couse being a girl her style changed over timeand she slowly started wearig heels and dresses. Obviously she didnt like it but it didnt bother her as much as it used to. 

"Goodmorning doll" Jeff sang while frying some bacon.

"Hey, you're up early" Olivia said while grabbing a plate.

"Well last night I couldn't sleep plus, you wont have enough time. Just doing a favor for my dear friend." Jeff smiled


"So um.... your mom called" Jeff hesitated 

The look on Olivias face shifted from happy to uneasy. Olivia and her mother havent been on good terms ever since her and Jeff decided to move in together after school.

"I'll just call her at work" Olivia managed to say before grabbing her food and leaving out the door.

Olivia arrived at her office soon to be greeted by her assistant.

"Hey Carly what's up" Ollivia greeted with a smile.

" Im fine Livy. Um your 3'oclock called and wanted to know if they can come early"

"Sure" Olivia assured her.

"Hey Olivia, I have a question" Carly pondered.


"Have you ever wanted to get married? I mean you help people plan weddings, help married couples. Hell you even talked people out of divorce." Carly finished.

Olivia looked up and thought to herself. ' Do I want to get married. "Olivia looked back to all her past boyfriends. She didnt have any past loves becasue she didnt love anybody or at least thats what she told herself. Like she never had a long term relationship. At this point she never even thought she would get married, but she wouldnt let people know that. Show no weakness.

Before Carly could realize she was taking to long she smiled and simply said, "Yeah, I actually do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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