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Dylan was doing well.

The Otters were doing well. His team was the best in the league, once again, and he was up there in points. He was expecting some sort of trophy at the end of the season... Not to be cocky or anything.

He had an awesome girl in his life too. He didn't know if it was too soon to call her his girlfriend, but she was basically his girlfriend. It was the start of December and they had been talking since the beginning of September. He wasn't trying to rush everything but she had come down to see him almost every home weekend and every away game she could drive to in a reasonably amount of time...

So yeah, she was his girlfriend. He just needed to put a title on it.

The Oilers were in Pittsburgh this weekend, and Kennedy was coming to visit as well. Allison and her friends were flying out too. It was like a whole reunion and that was just adding to all the good in his life.

Kennedy was driving down Thursday night, Alli was coming the Friday, and Connor would be there Saturday. Dylan and Kennedy were driving to Pittsburgh with some of the guys Friday and getting a room for the weekend...

Or two...

Dylan wanted his own room with Kennedy.

Erie didn't have a game until Sunday night, against the Bulldogs, so it was perfect because his family would be coming to see him and Matty face off. He would get his fix of everyone and of hockey. He was beyond ecstatic.

Everything was great in his life.

He slept until midday Wednesday, then got up so he could prepare for Kennedy. His room was a mess but he needed to run out and pick up snacks and other normal food she liked first. He always shopped for things she liked because he liked her and he endured a lot of weird things she liked because of that.

(Like mixing mayonnaise with everything.)

(He tried it with ketchup once and hated it, but Kennedy was entitled to one flaw.)

(Even if it was a disgusting flaw.)

She facetimed him while he was walking through the aisles at the store. They laughed and caught up a bit, since they hadn't seen each other in an entire day.

Erie had played in Guelph the night before, and won six to one. Dylan had a five point night, two goals and three assists, and he was absolutely showing off for Kennedy.

She was beaming when she met him by the change rooms. He scooped her into his arms and planted one on her. She smiled into it, holding onto his face. Then she yelled at him for being a show off. He just smirked and gave her another kiss. She also gave him the University of Guelph sweater she had purchased for him since she had a bunch of Erie things.

He was wearing that sweater as they spoke.

"So who am I watching you destroy tomorrow?" She teased as she packed some clothes.

"Ottawa, but I wouldn't say destroy. They're pretty good this year." Dylan explained as he surveyed the shelves.

She laughed. "Before I forget, if you were trying to like, fool around, in Pittsburgh, and that's why you wa-"

"What? Ken, no." He shook his head. "I just wanted to be in a room alone with you. I'm not trying to ru,"

"D, I don't think you are!" She stopped him. "I was just trying to tell you that we couldn't start having sex this weekend, if we both felt ready, because I got my gift."

He looked around to see if anyone was around him. "I'm in Walmart, Kennedy."

She rolled her eyes. "Teenagers having sex, so spooky." She snorted.

Dylan stood at the living room window, waiting for Kennedy as soon as she told him she had hit Erie the next morning. He didn't miss her that much, since they saw each other two days prior, but he loved seeing her beam when she saw him.

He spotted her car coming towards the house from down the road. That was his cue to go stand out on the porch until she parked in the driveway. He saw her smiling as soon as she spotted him so he walked over to her car to help grab her things.

"Hey!" She greeted, unbuckling as he pulled open her door.

She stepped out and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. He held her tight as his lips meshed with hers. They broke apart and she gave her another quick peck before grabbing her bags.

They laid around in his bed until it was time for him to go to the arena. She decided to drive herself over later so she could freshen up. He told her where all her snacks were then gave her a kiss and made his way to the rink.

The Otters won seven to four. Dylan had a hat trick and three assists.

He came out of the change room, smiling at all his fans. He took pictures with them, signed anything they wanted, and talked with them all for a bit. He saw his billets standing with Kennedy. She was talking with a little girl in a shirt with Dylan's name on it. The little girl was smiling up at her, and she was just as happy.

He walked over and hugged his billets, then leaned in and gave Kennedy a peck.

"You really are Dylan Strome's girlfriend!" The little girl gasped.

"Why would I have lied to you?" Kennedy pouted.

"You're really pretty, I should've believed you." The little girl shook her head at herself.

"You're really pretty, too." Kennedy smiled at her.

"I agree." Dylan nodded.

Her face went red and her eyes locked on Dylan. She just stared at him before she ran off to what must have been her parents. Dylan looked at Kennedy and they both just burst into laughter.

"You need to stop showing off." She sighed, grabbing the collar of his suit.

"But I love impressing you." He hummed, leaning in close to her face.

She gave him a quick peck then pulled away. "Go talk to more fans. I'm here all weekend." She shooed him, walking over to talk to one of his teammates.

He took Kennedy out for Dairy Queen after... Mainly because he wanted it... But hey.

"I'm kinda nervous." She admitted as she spooned some of her blizzard into her mouth.

"About?" Dylan cocked a brow.

"Meeting Allison and her friends." She sighed. "Like, I met Allison before, but what if she hates me because I'm repla,"

"Alli hates Kara more than I do." He started to chuckle. "And she loves me, so she'll love the girl that makes me happy."

She rolled her eyes and threw a crumpled up napkin at him. He just gave her a toothy grin, because he knew he was right.

"Her friends are cool too, from what I've heard. She's always said really good things about them, and they're dating Oilers too, so that's kinda cool." He shrugged.

"Aw, we're all hockey girlfriends." She sang, looking down at her blizzard.

"So we're dating?" He blurted out. "You're my girlfriend?"

She gave him a confused look. "Well, I figured since-"

"No, I want you to be my girlfriend. I just didn't know how to ask." He admitted.

"You didn't need to ask, I reserve the title for myself." She teased.

He just leaned over the table and gave her a kiss.

Kennedy was his girlfriend.

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