"I'll ask only one more time." he drawled slowly his voice even and calm but for some unexplained reason a shiver shoot up the leader of the thugs back colder than a breeze off Mount Everest. "You three can walk away breathing or continue too stand your ground and wear a toe tag. I am at least giving you a choice." The Sheriff squared his shoulders and waited for the final decision.

The two thug's too the right and left of the leader threw furtive glances towards each other then back to their boss. He stared back at the Sheriff who looked way too much like an old western gunfighter waiting there too do his job. He thought about taking the Law Dog at his word and simply walk away from all this. His two comrades could do whatever the Hell they wanted. but sadly deep down the Leader of the little three some wouldn't live to see the next sunrise if he didn't do what he was sent too do. Their benefactor would see too it that each of the three died in some very painful ways. The Leader looked back towards the Law Dog the look he sent the Sheriff toward him everything. The Sheriff opened his hands palms open taking in a slow cleansing breath. "Shit" was all he said as the three went for their collective armaments.

The world around seemed to click into slow motion every movement is nano increments. The Law Dogs left hand shot too his left hip pulling a Para Ordinance S14 45 caliber from its form fitting holster. The Sheriff's hand was like a blur as he fired from the hip hitting the thug on the Leader's left square in the chest lifting him off the ground. The Glock 9mm the Thug was carrying fired three rounds into the ground as he flew through the air dead. He crashed to the ground in a heaping pile the Glock flipping from his hand hitting the ground skidding. The Thug to the right fired off a quick three round burst from an old Browning High Power 9mm he had in his right hand.  The Sheriff adjusted his aim sighting down the barrel of his Para 45 even as a 9mm slug torn at an open flap of his coat. The Law Dog fired hitting the second thug in the shoulder but this sent his aim askew making the Borwning High Power track too the right making him fire another round into his jeans ceasing his right thigh side. The Sheriff stumbled jerking his body to the right but adjusting quickly sighting on the thugs forehead snapped off another 45 caliber round. The thug's forehead blosomed a rose red hole erupted snapping his head back with the force of a mule kick. It was like someone had flipped a switch the second thug dropping to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Even with all the lead flying through the air all the Sheriff and the Lead Thug heard was silence all around them. The Law Dog actually lowered his gun too his left side then stood there quietly. The Lead Thug had stood stock still during the barrage of bullets flying too his right and left. He looked wide eyed at his dead former comrades then back towards the Law Dog who stared back silently. The Lead Thug shrugged his shoulders knodding his approval at the Law Dog's gun hand. "Look Dawg, we are just following orders." the Thug smiled but to even him that smiled was way too weak.

"I'll say it one more time. " the Law Dog still stood up right the gun at his side. "Walk the fuck away or die where you stand." he waited as the words seemed too take several seconds to sink into the thug's mind. The Last remaining Thug stood there mulling those words over in his mind yet again. It was so tempting to say "Hell Yes " to the Law Dog's offer then turn and run as far away as he could get.  But the lone Thug kept picturing what the Boss would do too him if he was ever maybe too caught up with him. "Kill the Sheriff." was all he said. The Love Thug's mind clicked into motion with a single blink of his eyes he raised a SIG Sauer P250 snapping off 9mm rounds at the Law Dog. "I hope today's a good day too die for you? "The Thug screamed as he kept firing walking to the right careful too step over his dead comrades corpse. The first round struck the Law Dog in the left shoulder nearly knocking his Para 45 from his hand. The sherriff spun pullling a Para USP Hawg 45 ACP from its holster at the small of his back with his right hand. Bullets kicked up plumes of dirt exactly where the Lead Thug had been standing only seconds before. The Sherriff half crouched tracking the Thug firing both his main and back up 45 at the moving target the booms from both of the sheriff's guns sounded like thunder.  Sheriff ripped off eight rounds at the moving target. A 9mm round hit the Sheriff high in the right side of his chest near his lung. He grunted but kept tracking the Thug his rounds finally hitting home spinning the Thug around. Another round chipped the Sheriff in the side about the belt line on the left. That him finally dropped the Sherriff flat on his butt his cowboy hat flipped off his head. He stayed seatted there as he watched the Thug spin the rest of the way around doing a nose dive into the ground. The Sherriff's breath was ragged as he struggled too breath. He kept his eyes on the three thrugs the lead Thug struggled to turn on his side towards the Sheriff. The Law Dog didn't hestate as he sighted down the barrel. "This was a fucking sucky day for us both."  he told the Thug sighting then shutting one eye as he squeezed the trigger blowing a hole in the Lead Thug's head ending his movement.  

The Sheriff slowly began too lay back on the ground onto his back. He was plenty sure someone would have already called the office about the shots fired. He was equally sure that one of his deputy's would get too him before the county police ever got here. He looked up into the sky then coughed once. "This was one fucked up day." he was able too rasp as he slowly lost conisousness.

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