My Freak Out in Hell

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Ok so I was at Barnes & Nobles and there was a whole table devoted to HARRY POTTER. Now any fellow fan will understand my excitement. For those of you who don't get it imagine the excitement of winning the lottery times 3. So here I am just strolling along with my $15 gift card burning in my pocket. Then I stumbled upon the holy grail. I would be lying if I said I didn't jump in the air and do a little happy dance. On the table was everything I've ever wanted. I'm talking Wizard's Chess, Harry Potter wands, t-shirts, the books (although I already have a box set), THE FREAKING MARAUDERS MAP! Oh and let's not forget the miniature Voldemort wand that lights up and comes with stickers. At this point I've ran to the table and immediately grabbed everything my heart desired. Then I remember the price tags. My shaky hands turn over the Wizard's chess set and my eyes bulge at the price. This is the moment in my life where this heaven turns into my own personal hell. Sitting in my hands is a $40 chess set. I want to cry. I came into this place all happy that I had $15 and now I wish I had bought a lottery ticket. Cause man I needed some money. Lots of money. Trying to be strong, I set the box back on the table and walk away. Kid you not, it wasn't even 5 minutes before I was back at that table hunting for something I could afford. No Harry Potter fan can walk away from that table. It's just impossible. Me walking away and coming straight back continues for over an hour. After searching and searching I see in the back corner the book, Quidditch Through the Ages. I nervously turn over the book to see the price. YESSS! 10 POINTS FOR ASHLYNN!!! It was $10.89!!! That my friends, is the end

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