The New Wings

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I was just walking to my room when I felt this tingling in my back but I thought it was nothing so I kept on walking. When I got to my room I saw Daphne sound asleep I smiled then yawned then fell asleep I woke up to a weird feeling in my back like something was hurting while I was laying down I got up and screamed like no one's screamed before Granny Relda came in and screamed to then Mr.Canis but he was more like "Oh my god" Then Red until everyone in the household except for Puck had come in. When Puck finally came in he looked at me then smiled "Your a fairy now 'Brina" Puck said grinning I tried to walk over there but my wings crashed into a vase "grrr" I said growling he just smiled took my arm and dragged me outside. He sat down in the grass and told me to sit by him I reluctantly sat next to him and...


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