Chapter 29: Chatting with Faye (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Why would One Direction take Alex?" I asked her as we both went to kitchen table to sit down. She took a deep breath and exhaled before telling me.

"I paid them to take her," she finally said. I really don't know how to respond to her right now. She sounds legit, but I don't know whether or not to believe her. As of now, that's the only explanation for Alex's disappearance, so it's all I've got to go with.

"Faye. I am not kidding right now. Who-"

"One Direction did! I paid them to take Alex off of my hands for the summer so I wouldn't have to worry about watching the little brat. I asked them specifically because I knew if Alex tried to tell anybody, they wouldn't believe her," Faye said quickly. I just sat there, quietly overcome with shock and disgust. "Just like you didn't believe me when I told you," she added.

"I. . I. . ," I couldn't come up with any words to say. I was just. . . I don't know what I was. "I. . . believe you," I told her quietly. I know Faye is a terrible sister and she hates Alex, but I didn't think she would ever stoop this low. But, if I'm being totally honest, it really does seem like something Faye would do to get out of spending time with Alex.

"Good," she said. But she didn't sound cocky or anything, like I had expected her to. She sounded. . . upset?

"What's wrong with you," I asked her. She snapped her head up.

"What do you mean," she asked. Wow, she's really oblivious to things.

"Well, you had your sister kidnapped so you wouldn't have to spend time with her. I know you guys aren't exactly the best of friends but. . . that's just really low. Imagine how Alex feels right now. She must be terrified. She's all alone with them. What did you even tell them to do with her? Just hold onto her for the summer and then you'll just pick her up before school starts?," I finished, staring at her, not with anger, but with disappointment.

"I just told them to rough her up a little. Ya know, beat her a few times. Just until she learns her lessons. And it's not like she hasn't done anything to deserve it" Faye said, 'defending' herself. "She treats me like shit too, ya know. She hits me too. I just never hit her back."

"And to get back at her, you had five grown men kidnap her and beat her up for three months," I asked. Just because they fought occasionally doesn't justify Faye's behavior . . . or her decision. I watched as Faye's face slowly fell from her angry scowl to . . . sadness.

"I. . . I never thought about it that way," she admitted. "Yeah, well you should have," I snapped at her. "You're her big sister. You're supposed to look out for her and protect her, but you just competely fucked all of that up." I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Faye just let her head drop, shaking it, clearly disappointed in her decision.

"What," I asked. I already knew 'what', I just wanted to hear her say it was a mistake. She looked up at me and her face was stained with tears with tears still pouring out of her eyes. She looked like she was shaking from all of the sobs she was trying to holding in. I've never seen her like this before. I actually don't think I've ever seen her cry before, but this looks like she's having a total meltdown.

"I shouldn't. . . I shouldn't have done this. Any of this," she said through her sobs. "You're right. I'm her big sister and I'm supposed to take care of her and. . . and this was all a mistake. I. . . ," she stopped talking and ran into the living room. Oh my god dude stop running around! As I stood up to follow her, she ran back in with her phone.

"I'm gonna call them and tell them to bring her back," she said quickly. I nodded. She turned on her phone, dialed the number and put it to her ear, waiting to talk to somebody.

"Louis," she started.

"I need you guys to bring Alex back." she said quickly. I can't even imagine what Louis' saying right now.

"Because we had a deal! I told you to bring her back when I want, and I keep your guys' little secret." she said angrily through her tears.

"GODDAMN IT," she screamed, pressing a button on her phone to hang it up. I gave her a 'what happened' look and she said he hung up on her.

"Well. . . what did he say," I aske nervously. I already knew it wasn't gonna be good by her reaction to talking to him. "He said they don't want to give her back," she said. My stomach dropped through the floor and my heart beat increased.

"What are we gonna do now," I asked on the brink of tears. She looked at me, and then at the door. She grabbed my wrist and dragged my outside along with her. "Get in the car," she demanded. "Why," I asked. "We're going to get her," she told me, sounding very determined.

I got in the car and buckled in. "Where are we going," I asked as she put the key in the ignition.

"The airport."

(A/N: OMG WHAT??!!? Can you believe Faye would do that? Well, I did because I wrote it but. . . whoa. And they're going to the airport? Why? I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Things are definitely starting to heat up. Comment what you think so far. And don't forget to vote! Love you guys!!!! -AllieCat816)

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