Chapter 8

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"I left some sweats and a T-shirt up on my bed if you wanna shower and change clothes." Chase mentioned as he walked into the kitchen where he previously left me.

"Actually, that would be great." I slid off the stool and towards him, "that long drive made me feel icky."

He chuckled, "up the stairs, to the left, first door. That's my room." He pointed, "I'll get something ready for dinner."

"Thanks," I smiled, leaning in the doorway. "I'll be quick."

"Take your time. Plenty of hot water," Chase winked.

I laughed, "you were thinking I would invite you, weren't you?" I seductively raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, course not." He turned away, clearly blushing, reaching for a green apple.

"Mhm." I turned to leave but I thought I'd play a small joke on him. "Wanna join me?"

Chase's head shot up so fast from what he was cutting, "wha-what? You're not serious?"

"Only if you can catch me," I giggled, taking off for the stairs. Running as fast as I could to get to Chase's room before him. He was hot on my heels. Our loud footsteps and laughter echoing through the empty house.

As soon as I got to the top step a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, spinning me around and back up against the wall, causing me to squeal.

"Chase," I gasped, trying to catch my breath. The tension in the air was thick and all I could hear was our heavy breathing. He had a tight grip on my hips, holding me against the wall. He leaned in, kissing along my neck, hands roaming my body before resting on my ass.

"Jump," he whispered in my ear, grabbing my ass and lifting me up. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck. Chase carried me to his room. Laying me gently on his bed, kissing my neck once again. I knew what he wanted and I wasn't sure if I was ready to give it to him, but the way he was making me feel made it hard to say no.

"Chase, wait." I whispered, scooting away from him a bit.

"What's wrong?" He asked, placing a finger on my chin, turning my face to meet his.

"Nothing, I just, is this too soon?" I sat up on my elbows, "we've only been dating a few hours."

He laughed, "you're actually right, we don't have too." He said in a calm voice, "we can wait."

"Really?" That came out sounding more surprised then I wanted it to. "I don't want you to think--"

"Don't. Let's just take things slow, yeah?" He smiled, placing a kiss to my forehead. I felt a relief wash over me when he said that because all I was thinking about was what Kasey had said to me. "I'm gonna go start dinner. You take a nice long shower."


He tilted his head to the side, "for what?"



After my well needed shower, I poked around Chase's room for a minute. Looking at all of his trophies and photos made me smile. He looked so happy, so carefree. Looking at him now, he just seemed down. His season was going well, but to him, it could be going better. It made me sad to think that he put all of that on his shoulders. He had so much to look forward too, he needed to loosen up a bit.

I noticed a photo pushed back behind another and saw her, a beautiful blonde. She was sitting on his lap at what looked like a Christmas party. The smile that covered his face was far more prominent than in any other photo and the heart eyes he had when he was looking at her. I knew I could never give him that and that I'd never get that from him.

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