Chapter 6

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Sitting on the runway with Kasey was quiet and awkward. After having wrecked in the race and our little disagreement before, I was scared to talk to him. I sat looking out the small window, watching the crew get the plane ready for take off, when I felt Kasey sit down beside me.

"Tough day." I started, "Kasey, I'm sor--"

He put his hand up to stop me, "I shouldn't have said what I said. So I'm the one who should be sorry, but I can't help but wonder. Did you go see him after he wrecked?"

"See who?" It probably wasn't smart to play dumb but, I let out a sigh, "yes, but only to see if he was alright." That was a kind of a lie. Yes, I did go to see if he was okay, but there were more reasons behind it. "Kasey, I like him. I know you don't approve but I really, really like Chase." Even though we really just met and haven't seen each other away from the track, I knew my feelings weren't fake. Something kept pulling towards Chase and I either had to go for it or forget them.

"I know," he huffed, "I see the way you look at him when you think no one is looking." I blushed. "Just don't rush into anything. 'Cause if he hurts you." Kasey held up a fist causing me to laugh. "I'm serious, you don't know Chase like I do."

"Kase, I'll be okay. I'm a big girl." I gave him a reassuring look, "I can handle myself."

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." I nodded and went back to looking out the window. I was super relieved Kasey wasn't mad about me confessing I liked Chase. I didn't want what I could have with Chase to come between my job and my friendship with Kasey. Those are two things I couldn't lose, no matter what happened with him.


"Please tell me there's coffee?" I whined, walking into break room. The only person in there was Lindsay and she didn't bother to answer. What's her problem?

I made my way over to the counter, setting my bag on the floor next to me. Grabbed my mug from the shelf and poured myself a hot cup of coffee. "Ugh, what the hell?" I spit, "who made this?"

"Don't know. It was here when I got here." Lindsay shrugged.

"It's horrible!" I poured the dirty brown liquid down the drain, trying to forget the bad taste it left behind on my tongue. "Anyway, how was your weekend?" I asked Lindsay.

"Fine. Nothing special." She looked up from her magazine, "jealous of yours."

"Why? It's all work and no fun," I held back a giggle, knowing damn well how bad she wanted to be in my shoes.

"Don't try to hide it. I know you're fucking Chase."

"Excuse me?" I fired back, "I'm not fucking anybody."

"Oh please, I saw you on TV with him. The way he wrapped his arms around you."

"What are you--oh." I knew what she was talking about. "That was on TV?"

"Sure was, honey!" She pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. "Wait til Mr. H finds out."

Shit. What if Mr. H does find out? I pulled out my phone and sent Chase a text.

"Our little "moment" was on TV. What are we going to do?"

It didn't take him long to reply. "Nothin'."

"What do you mean nothing? People I work with know, Chase."

"Macy, calm down. I already handled it." Handled it? What could he have done?

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's taken care of. Now stop worryin' ;)"

I cannot stop worrying. Is he crazy? I could lose my job for this. My own personal rule: don't get involved with the drivers. I'm screwed.

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