Roommate Wanted

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Andrew Shaw's innocence, makes him determined to live his life openly without remembrance of the past. So he moves to San Diego for a fresh start, but he never expects his whole world to be turned upside down during the first three weeks after he arrives. When desperate measures are the only way out, he answers an ad for a wanted roommate and has no idea just how much his patience will be tested.

Blake Hines lived a bachelor's dream. He's arrogant, cocky, and he sleeps with who he wants, whenever he wants. He vows to live life forever young. Blake decides to post an ad for a roommate, he counts on having someone to party with. Only, that isn't going to happen.

When Drew and Blake meet, it's arrogance versus innocence. While Andrew can't stand anything Blake stands for, their encounters with one another will take them on a crash course in love. Can Drew and Blake pass the test of all time?


Drew couldn't believe his luck. He'd only been in Los Angeles for three weeks and now this? He stepped out as his fingers swept back through the dark, short-cropped hair. He looked down at the tail end of his car locking his hands behind his head with a hung sigh. Wrecked. His arms dropped in failure. Misery tightening in his chest.

His eyes met up with a lean man of six-foot-two. Had he been any closer, his eyes would be just beneath the Adam's apple that bobbed at the man's throat. The man stood at the front of his Chevy pick-up after looking at his front bumper. His glare rose at Drew, stoic. "How could you not see my truck?" he asked, acting as smug as the business slacks and untucked dress shirt he wore. His tie loosened at the neck.

"You're kidding right? Why didn't you see me backing out? You came out of nowhere."

His bothered laugh held a clear accusation. "I had the right of way. You just can't go backing out with oncoming traffic." He looked down at his watch. "Damn, I'm already late. Look, I have good insurance, so if you want to call them and blame me for it, have at it. But I don't have time to argue, since..." He pulled a card from his wallet and handed it over.

Drew scrutinized over the card. "Since what?"

"The insurance can call my secretary and get all the information they need. Sorry about the damage, good Luck."

A burn singed at his ears as he watched the man get in his truck and drive away. The pick-up, bumper, nowhere near damaged. Drew had a mind to call him every name in the book, his stomach tensed at the severe destruction as an obvious sigh unfolded. His hope had been diminished, no destroyed, at his new start in the city.

Already sweating in the sun, he dialed a cab, a tow truck, and his other boss just in case he would arrive late.

There were still another four hours to spare before he started his shift at the bar. He walked through the motel door and made a quick check of his phone to make sure the alarm would get him up in plenty of time. He couldn't believe the day he was having. Tired, he threw himself down across the bed. The nerve of that guy, he thought while the soft cushion of mattress lulled him to relaxation. So what if he had good looks and a fancy truck.

The warning his grandfather gave him about the people in the city rewound and played itself like a voice recorder. So he'd been told but he didn't honestly think people could be so selfish. And god, how he wanted to wipe that pompous smile off the man's face. He would have done it too, if the man hadn't towered over him like a ten-foot infrastructure.


On his break, he argued over the phone with the insurance company. He spouted off all the information on the card but they told him the man lived in Wisconsin and the car he drove didn't match any description of a truck. Helpless to it all, he politely apologized and hung up. A bucket of ice couldn't have cooled him off now. He'd been duped.

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