Chapter 5:Bank busting

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Entry #5/Flint
What a classic first job, a bank robbery. Perfect for our first time superhero-ing. That's what we thought anyway.
That's not how it went though.
Flying was fun to say the least I mean who has a best friend who can carry them around flying? Perks with the job I guess. Eventually we got down town and police were surrounding the bank. We landed on the roof so no one would see us and started looking for a way in. Luckily there was an already broken  skylight. It was about 4:30 (pm) now. I looked into the bank to see how many people were in there. I counted 23 hostages and 3 robbers, probably more collecting money.
Before we could formulate a plan we messed up.
As I was looking in I fell forward. Skye reached out to grab me but only got herself to fall too. Skye slowed down our fall with her flying but wasn't able to get us to not hit the ground.
We both got a little scraped from glass shards on the ground. Everyone in the room looked at us. So much for stealth.
"Smooth moves genius!" Skye yelled picking herself up.
I got up along with her and there were three pistols pointed at us. "Well that escalated quickly!" I Yelped
"Kinda ironic huh?" Skye remarked
"Oh, ha ha very-" I started
"Will you two shut up and get on the ground!" One of the robbers snapped.
"Well you are very rude! I'm having a nice conversation with my friend here and you just interrupted us! Were you born in a barn?" I said smugly
Before any of them could respond I lit my hand up. I tossed fireballs at robber #2 and #3. "Well then Mr. Rude you seem to be the only one left-"
I didn't finish since Skye pushed me to the ground as a bullet flew out of the chamber right into the nearest wall. We got up and I started throwing fire, and missed a lot. He had all his attention on me.
"Hey robber dude!" Skye yelled flying towards robber #1 "there's two of us here!" She picked up the robber and flew him up. She smacked him against the ceiling and then dropped him.
"Well that wasn't so hard now was it?" Skye asked
"Let's go see if there are anymore robbers around." I told her
"We split up to go to different rooms, I went to the bank vault and she went to the managers office.
I entered the bank vault and saw four guys. One just happened to be looking in my direction, what luck.
"Oh no it's a little kid in costume come to save the day!" He said sarcastically. He reached for his gun but didn't make it since a fire ball went straight into his chest. (Just gonna say these things did not kill them they just got burned pretty badly- but hey that's what you get when you're robbing a bank.)
Another robber saw this happen "Oh sh-" he didn't get to finish either
The other two had bags over their shoulder they both ran for me. I took one down thankfully. The other guy pulled out a knife and stabbed my arm. He ran for the exit as I pulled the knife out. I threw a few fireballs, but he was a fast runner. He ran towered the back exit and I ran after him. Another guy came from the manager's office followed by a stumbling Skye. My guy got out of the bank and the other guy was still running. I cut him off but got punched in the face as reward. He also made his way out. They both escaped- one had money too. At least the hostages were safe.
"Alright everyone, it's safe now just go home and forget you saw us." I told them holding my knife wound.
I ran over to Skye "We should get out of here." she said
"Definitely let's go! High ho silver! Away!" I quipped
"Never. Ever. Ever. Do that again." She glared at me
"Okay okay I won't..." I said as we flew off back home. We hopped in through Skye's window. We both changed into different clothes (I have a pair of clothes there, sue me, I like to be prepared.) Once we did that we checked out the damage. Skye was hit in the face and would probably have a black eye soon- her poor pretty face. I would probably have a bruise on my head and I had the knife wound in my arm.
"Come here let's put something over that." Skye ordered me. We found some spare cloth and wrapped it around my wound to try and stop the bleeding.
"Well that went great!" I remarked
"Oh yeah fantastic! I can't believe two of them got away!" Skye groaned and flopped her face onto her bed
"I guess we need to do some training and learn how to fight and stuff." I told her " We need to learn how to do this super hero thing better. Spider man makes this look so easy."
  "Well hey at least people know we are out there to help. Well hopefully...let's check the news."
We turned on the TV and went to the news channel. "...Turn of events at the bank this after noon" the news caster was saying "a group of people broke into the bank. According to witnesses only two out of eight of them escaped.
This was said to be work of two 'superheroes' one flew and the other was able to shoot fire out of there hands. The police are investigating the crime and have found multiple scorch marks on the ground. Guess this fire guy isn't that sharp of a shot."
I turned to Skye "You couldn't take out one dude?"
"Well excuse me but I got pounded in the face!" She thought for a moment after that "actually he was very strong... Almost- never mind that couldn't be right..."
"Almost what...?" I asked
Skye bit her lip then looked me dead in the eyes with worry. "Almost superhuman."

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