Chapter 3: Flight of Icarus

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Entry#3/ Skye
We got home around 10 my parents were out so I was able to get in no problem and not get yelled at I want straight to bed from the long day and hoped to God that I wouldn't die from poison. I had a dream that night-sorta.
See this dream was like real life more than other dreams- as if they were happening and there were so many different things it was hard to keep track. The first scene had Flint with fire in his hands-unaffected. The next me and Flint standing in a room a guy throws a dagger at Flint with super human speed and Flint crumples to the floor. The dream shifts and in front of me is floating objects of all kinds. Then a destroyed town and finally Flint and I standing ready against a looming dark shadow over us.
I get shook awake and find myself with tears in my eyes from what I just saw. I grab my flashlight from my nightstand to see who woke me. It was Flint his eyes red from crying. I smiled seeing him here.
"Nightmares?" He asked
"Yeah, but whats wrong?" I ask "Why are you here?" Then I noticed the bruise on his cheek he must of seen the look of concern on my face because he gave me a smile.
"My dad was drunk again." He said I forgot to mention the absent father didn't I? "He was mad when I came home so if he cares when I'm gone or not." He sat on the side of my bed and looked down, then after a moment back at me with a smile crawling across his face. "But that's not why I'm here. After I fought with my dad I discovered something. Well first compound 43 is not poisonous but it does do something else... I think it got in my cuts because I don't know why else I could do this..." He opened his palm and I gasp. A small flame lights itself on his palm and he's completely unaffected by the fire on his hand.
"That's just like...oh no..." I almost whispered
"I discovered that the compounds 'enhances' people. We must have gotten that enhancement." He said then he looked at me dead in the eyes with worry. "What's 'oh no'"
"I had a dream and you had fire in my hand and there was a dark figure and a town destroyed and me moving things with my mind and-" I couldn't bring myself to say the last one "and-and it was horrible" I wasn't lying just not telling the whole truth I found out my voice also wavers when I lie. He frowned "Maybe that wasn't real just some coincidence..." We both knew it wasn't true.
"No-no it was too real and with your flaming hand... I think I had visions."
We were both shocked by these new developments. There was a few minutes of science.
"Holy crap." Flint said awe struck "We could be superheroes. I mean we'd need a name and costumes and a base or something..." We smiled at each other
At this point I was sitting next to Flint on my bed in my ratty t shirt and marvel pajama bottoms. "Maybe we should save this until the morning Flint. We should both get some sleep and tomorrow we can figure this out. Make sure you go in your house through the window so your dad doesn't catch you." He nodded and went to the window I followed to make sure he got out okay. When Flint was about to grab the tree branch he slipped on the dewy window sill. I caught his arm as he was falling out but  I was still drowsy and didn't have the strength to drag him up or stay up. I got pulled out the window too and closed my eyes preparing to hit the ground-but it never happened. I opened my eyes and saw that Flint and I were floating feet from the ground. I could fly! I could actually fly! "How about we go for a ride first?" I lifted a little higher and we shot off. We lived in the suburbs off Chicago so I decided a quick fly around the city wouldn't hurt. The city was beautiful at night especially when you were as high up as the buildings. We watched in wonderment at the city below us.
"Icarus." I said
"What?" Flint replied
"Icarus, that's gonna be my superhero name!" I loved the wind rushing past my face
"That sounds good I'll have to think of one myself since the human torch is already taken and I'm not sure how 'on fire' I can get." He used quotes at on fire. "This is amazing but could you lift me up a little more? I'm kinda dangling and I feel like I'm gonna fall."
I obliged and ended up pulling him onto my back he was pretty light we were both only about 100 pounds. We started heading back and when we reached around our houses I dropped him off at his window and went back to my bedroom. I had his jacket on my desk along with some fabrics I had an idea I would start on tomorrow. I hoped against hope that those visions could be changed and Flint wouldn't die. I climbed into my silky soft sheets and the last thing in my mind was Flint crumpling to the ground. Then I slept like a rock.

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