Part 2

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" You are the most stubborn woman I've ever met!"

The remote control was too far out of her reach, otherwise she would have launched it towards my head.  I am convinced. I am standing in the doorway of the bedroom of her hotel suite and she's lying in the middle of a giant king sized bed under a plethora of blankets.  She looks like the princess and the pea.  I can tell she's still fully dressed.  I wanted to ride back from the show with her, but she flew out of the arena like a bat out of hell and I got side tracked with one of the guitar techs.  By the time I got back to her dressing room, she was gone.  I passed Christine in the hallway.  She noticed how bad Stevie was limping as well.  Once the spotlights hit her, you'd never know, but she was in pain. Twirling, singing, flirting.  Never missing a step.   We all knew her too well though.  While Mick was on stage doing his drum solo, I told her to wait for me after the show.  I would ride back to the hotel with her and help her.  She needed a hot bath and a massage.  I also told her I was burning her platform boots.  She in turn tried to burn a hole through the middle of my forehead with her eyes.  By the time I made it backstage she was gone.   

I made it back to the hotel and passed by Brett, Neal, Mick and Lori in the hotel bar having a night cap.  I waved them goodnight and made my way to Stevie's room.  I let myself in, make my way to the bedroom and watch her.  If she heard me come in, she's not letting on.  She's in pain and I can tell.  She's doing some meditative breathing similar to lamaze.  I make my presence known.  When the remote control doesn't come flying  towards my head and she opens her eyes, I see tears there.  

"Baby, why didn't you wait for me?"  I make my way towards the bed and pull the covers away.   I crawl into bed next to her and rub her hips a little.  She winces and lets out a low moan.  

"Sweetie, let's get you undressed and I will rub your hips till you fall asleep."  

"Linds, I need to take the rest of my makeup off before I fall asleep."  Without thinking twice about it, I sweep her into my arms and carry her into the bathroom.  I feel her giggle a bit against my neck and it makes me smile.  I set her down on the counter in the bathroom and leave her to it.  I got back to the bedroom and light candles around the room. It sets a soft glow around the room which I know she will love.  I set her nighty out on the bed and turn on some soft music.  Anyone would think I am setting the mood for a night of romance, but not tonight.  We've got a day off tomorrow and I want to take care of my woman.  

I look up and Stevie is standing in the doorway in the hotel robe.  Before she can change into her pajamas, I tell her to lay down on the bed, face down.  She protests, but eventually relents.  I reach around her and untie the robe.  I pull it down around her hips.   I take her hair and pull it off to the side so her back is unobstructed.   The lavender lotion she always uses is on the night stand.  I rub some in my hands to warm it up and I start to massage her back.  Slow circles.  Firm but gentle.  Every so often I hear a moan and an occasional "Thank you Linds, this feels so nice".  I smile and place kisses on her cheek, shoulder, back.  Anywhere I can reach while still massaging her back and now hips.  She tenses up a bit when I touch her hips.  I tell her to relax and breathe.  After about 30 minutes, I can tell she's starting to doze off.  I get up and go into the bathroom to change.  I come out in my boxers and I notice she's fast asleep.  I toy with the idea of waking her to change into her nighty.  I decide against it.  I throw an extra blanket on the bed and figure I will keep her warm.  

After blowing out all of the candles and turning off the music, I climb into bed next to her.  Instinctively, she rolls into me and I take her in my arms.  I place a few kisses on her forehead and close my eyes.

I feel her arms tighten around my waist.  "Buckingham, you are so getting lucky tomorrow morning."  She never ceases to make me laugh.

"I am already lucky baby.  Good night angel"

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