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Today was Max's funeral, everyone was here. Sarah, Hayley, Steven, Brendon, Alexa, and me. I like to believe that Max is here with us in spirit today. Halloween was her favorite holiday too.

At her funeral, Steven asked a few of us to speak. He said it didn't matter who did, if anyone had anything to say about her, they were welcome. The first person speaking was Alexa.

"It's right that today is Halloween. Today was Max's favorite holiday... I knew we'd hit it off the moment we met. There was this skinhead that was harassing her, she just walked right up to him and said, 'I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. I'm more a woman than you'll ever get.'"

She sat down after that next to Jenna, a few pews in front of me. She started to cry, and Jenna hugged her.

Sarah went up to speak next.

"...So much more original than any of us. You'd find a tablecloth on the street, and make it into a dress. And within the next year, they'd be mass-producing them at the Gap. Heheh. You always said how lucky we were that we were all friends. But it was us, baby, who were the lucky ones."


(A/N: Original song in the media, I'd recommend listening to this while reading it!)

How did we get here? How the hell... How did I get here? How the hell... Christmas.

Christmas Eve-- last year. How could a night so frozen be so scalding hot? How can a morning this mild be so raw?

Why are entire years strewn on the cutting room floor of memory when single frames from one magic night forever flicker in close-up on the 3D imax of my mind?

That's poetic... No, that's pathetic.

Why did Alexa knock on Lynn's door,
and Steven choose that phone booth
back where Max set up her drums? Why did Sarah's equipment break down?

Why am I the witness, and when I capture it on film, will it mean that it's the end
and I'm alone?

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