Chapter 8

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Boom! (The inn bursted into flames)

"Mummy!" Yelled young Bethany staring into the entrees of the inn where her mother standee smiling at her, she then slowly started catching on fire, soon the flame burnt away her warm smile.

"Mummy! MUMMY!!!"

Suddenly Bethany's head pooped off the pillow, she started breathing heavily as she put her hand on her heart feeling it beat like crazy... It was just a dream.
After rubbing her eyes, Bethany realised she was in unfamiliar bedroom. It was dark but she could make out some wardrobes and a giant chest with by the looks of things was filled with gules and gems galore.

"Where am I?" She asked herself continuing to look around when she court a glimpse of a figure sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. Bethany got of the bed standing on what sounded like a sword or something metal,this woke up who ever was sitting on the chair.

"Uh Ye awake lovey" that voice, oh no? The figure stood from the chair and appeared out of the shadows.

"You!" Bethany stated angrily. Captain stone, he stood there, his hands on his belt as he smirked at her, he wasn't looking at her face through his eyes were wondering somewhere else. What is he looking at? She thought look down at herself when she noticed, oh my gosh! Where are my cloths!? She was wearing a shirt that showed of her long legs and the collar hung low not really covering her shoulders, this is so revealing, no wonder he's staring.

"Where are my cloths you pig!?" She squeaked trying to cover herself with her arms, not doing a good job through.

"I thought ye'd be more comfortable without that very tight corset, could've been worse"

"How so?" She was afraid to ask but she did anyway.

"I was planning on leaving ye there in the nude" Eep! Bethany dropped to the floor cover her face which felt like it was on fire. She could suddenly hear the captain's boot stomps getting closer then they stopped, he was now looking down on her.

"As any one ever told Ye, ye adorable when Ye blush" this didn't help, in fact Bethany's face was now more red then to began with. I can't stay here, he's going to do something to me, I just know. She looked around then noticed the sword she tripped over earlier, quickly she reached for it but not quick enough because Stone grabbed her arms pulling her into his chest.

"Nice try lass, but Ye gonna have to be quick the that..." Without thinking she used her free hand to punch Stone right in the nose, it didn't knock him out but it was hard enough to make it bleed giving her a chance to escape. She ran towards her door which wasn't locked and bursted through it into the fresh air and blazing sun.
Bethany was on the main deck of the giant pirate ship. All the Pirates paused from what they were doing and stared at her. Its now or never! She thought quickly running to one of the row boats, too bad she didn't make it that far before a group of Pirates grabbed her.

"Where'd be the captain wench!" One of the crew members asked, he was missing an eye. Bethany said nothing just spat at his face, bad idea. The pirate growled grabbing his sword, she gulped this is it, this is how I die Bethany closed her eyes when all the crew's ramble ring stopped.

"Higgins! What be the order I gave Ye all before we got onto the ship!?" It was Stone, he asked while wiping his nose that was still bleed.

"Not to harm Ye lass..." Higgins mumbled under his breath. Stone walked over to him grabbing him by his ear pulling his head down to his level.

"What was that Higgins!?" Stone shouted into his ear.

"Nobody harm Ye lass, captain!" Higgins shouted this time before Stone released his ear. Higgins then let go of Bethany just as Stone wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close.

"Ye all hear that!? I don't want to say it again!!!  He then turned his head to Bethany. 

"As for you..." She gulped again, there's no way she's getting away with giving him a blood nose, she's doomed. Bethany tried getting out of his grip again, she really has nothing to lose.

"Let me go you brute!" She yelled pushing him away.

"I want to go back to the island, now!"

"Lovey, we're a little far away for that" he stated pointing behind her, she turned around to see...nothing, there was nothing but sea all around them, not a single bit of land or anything as far as the eye could see.

The Pirate's LassTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang