:'( ;)

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Unfortunately, the honeymoon was cut short due to a few minor details, but Brantley still stayed home with Sylo and I. Mainly we laid in bed with Sylo and watched tv, yet it was a peaceful and relaxing week. Tonight is the first night Brantley is going to an interview since our wedding, and he asked me to tag along. So, as I stand outside of the studio at the station Brantley talks to the radio host.
"So BG is recently married and she is here with us. She's a beauty for sure."
" I definitely think so," Brantley replies.
"And people are wondering about your next album. When will that be out?"
"I've been working on it a bit," B smiles brightly.

Later that night, I wake up to the sound of Brantley's guitar being played. I lean up to reach for B, but he's not there. I walk down the hall following the music , and I push open the nursery door to find Brantley leaning against the crib writing music.
"I never told you what happened," I sigh as he stops playing, " I knew you wouldn't ask because it'd be painful for both of us."
"I'm still not asking,"Brantley says softly.
"The doctor told me that day that I have a condition where my body tries to get rid of any kind of chance I have of getting pregnant. That one was just prolonged.
"I'm sorry baby," he says setting his guitar down and pulling me close,"I'll still always love you."
For the rest of the night, Brantley held me as we talked about the vacation we were going to take when he got home from his next tour.
To be completely honest, I'm scared to be alone again.
Sylo walks in around three in the morning and lays down in front of us; he goes right back to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up in bed with Sylo laying in Brantley's spot and B pacing as he's on the phone. He's so mad that he's nearly spitting every word.
"I am only going to say this one more time! You can either give me time or I'll find a new manager!" He growls and then realizes I'm watching him. I'm smiling with the blankets barely covering me, but I'm too lazy to move at all. B watches me for a second before turning to finish his conversation. I slowly roll over to his side; now, not covered at all and laying on my stomach.
Soon Brantley hangs up the phone, and walks over and plants gentle kisses from my lower back all the way up to my left ear. He puts his legs on either side of me and rubs my back as he continues to kiss my neck. I slightly moan and then he presses his dick into my entrance. He slowly pumps in and out as he moves his hands to my hips to speed up his rhythm.
"Baby, I can't take much more,"whine in pleasure.
"Just a little more babe,"he whispers in my ear.

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