I Wish Everything Was Easy

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It's been about three weeks since Brantley left, and my belly is getting bigger. I've been with Brian and Tyler and the girls, but I miss Brantley so much. I flip on the tv to watch Brantley's appearance on the Ellen show when I feel a sharp pain in my side. It's probably nothing, so I continue watching the show.
"Are you okay darlin?"Britney asks me, but I knew I couldn't answer without sounding like I'm in pain.
"Lindsay?"Brian asks softly,"please answer us."
"It's nothing. I just got hurt last night at the party,"I say clutching at my side.
"I'm calling Brantley,"Tyler said.
"Don't you dare!"I growled.
"Let me take you to the doctor, and we can make decisions later,"Hayley reasons with us. Brian picks me up and walks out to the truck laying me in the back seat. Hayley and Britney hop in the front; Tyler and Brian hop in the bed of the truck.


It's been three days since I got the call about Lindsay. I couldn't get a soon enough flight home. When I get to Tyler's, I run inside without even knocking.
"She's upstairs,"is the first thing I hear.
"Brantley, she hasn't come down since then,"Britney said as she grabbed my arm. I nodded and proceeded up the stairs. I knocked on the guest room door.
"Go away,"Lindsay says sniffling. Noticing me as I walk in, she won't even look at me.
"Lindsay, it'll be okay,"I say the wrong thing because she glares at me.
"No. Brantley, it won't be okay! I messed up my family! To make things worse is that you can't even tell me I didn't!! I killed our child!!"she growls before her voice softens," get out."
"I'm not going anywhere,"I sigh.
"GET OUT!!!"she yells as loud as I've ever heard her get.
"Your wish,"I said walking out. I walked past everyone and walked out to the back yard. I flop down by the pond and take a a deep breath.

*Lindsay POV*

After the fifth time of Brantley begging me to let him in again, I opened the door. Without a word I hugged him as tight as I could. He hugged me back putting his head in the crook of my neck.
"I'm sorry,"I cried.
"It's not your fault,"B tried to soothe me, but I believe it is my fault.
"She'll never get to ride a bike or snuggle between us... I killed her..."I continued to cry.
"Lindsay, stop. You're gonna make yourself sick,"Brantley softly growled.
"I deserve to die!"I yell,"because I killed her! I don't know how, but I'm the only one that could have!"

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