I knew there had to be a catch for my day going so well.

"Oh... Oh, my god..."

"She went missing a couple weeks ago... It was kind of like she dropped off the face of the Earth--"

"Not helping."

"Right, sorry. But, um, yeah, she dropped out of rehab, she stopped going to work, and no one has seen her, according to Jenna."

"Wait, rehab? She went to rehab?"

"Yeah, she asked Jenna if she could pay, and of course she said yes. Also, if it makes you feel better, Sarah, Hayley, and I have been trying to look for her. We put out some fliers, and I filed a missing persons report."

"Yeah, it kind of does..."

"Hey, come on, let's go inside."

Time went by quickly, and Alexa still hasn't been found. Sarah and Hayley told me most of what they knew. Brendon said that he found a friend of her's who saw her about three weeks ago said that she was living on the streets. Sarah said that she started asking around, and that she called the manager of the Cat Scratch club to see if there was any sign of her. None. Hayley found out she hasn't gotten her AZT in a long time too.

December 24th, 1990. 10:00 PM. Eastern Standard Time. A year went by so fast.

December came along, and it was Christmas Eve. Steven was supposed to be coming home tonight. The phone rang, and Brendon picked it up. He was working on getting his documentary ready to project km the projector, he finally finished it.

"Hey, Steven, don't get your assed kicked this time, okay?" said Brendon to Steven on the phone. He threw down the keys, and Steven was up in less than five minutes.

"Merry Christmas!" he yelled into the apartment.

"Merry Christmas," Brendon and I said.

We gave him hugs, and he set down a bucket with red cups and a bottle of vodka. This reminded me of last year.

"Any word from Alexa?"


"Hey, you got the projector-- you finished your documentary?"


"That's awesome, I wanna see it!"

"Brendon!" yelled someone outside. "Lynn!" The voice belonged to Sarah. "Anyone! Help, please!" We ran outside to the fire escape, and saw her with Hayley. Hayley holding somebody in her arms.

"We can't get her up the stairs. Hurry up, please!"


Alexa. Alexa was in Hayley's arms. Steven ran downstairs to help them get her up here. When they brought her up, I cleared a table in the kitchen, and they laid down on the table.

"We found her in the park, she asked us to bring her here," said Sarah.

Brendon handed me a blanket to wrap around her, and put on the table along with a couple pillows. I held her hand with both of mine, and her hand was freezing. She started gasping for air, and coughing.

"Lynn... You're back..." she said quietly. Her voice sounded much worse than it did them when I last saw her.

"I'm back. I'm back, baby. Someone, get some food and water!"

"It's too late for that, man, I'm calling 911," said Steven.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, we got you. I got you."

"Lynn... I need to tell you... Jenna, she wasn't any--"

"Shh. I know. I need to tell you why I left. It wasn't because I didn't--"

"I know... I need to tell you that I love--" She was interrupted by her coughing and gasping. She gripped my hand tight, and I felt tears in my eyes.

"Please don't leave me, Alexa... Hold on for me, there's something you need to hear. It isn't much, but it took all year."

Brendon handed me my guitar, and I started strumming on the strings, and began my song.

(A/N: Original song right here! ⬇⬇⬇⬇)

Your eyes.
As we said our goodbyes.
Can't get them out of my mind.
And I find I can't hide from
Your eyes.
The ones that took me by surprise.
The night you came into my life
where there's moonlight
I see your eyes.

How'd I let you slip away
when I'm longing so to hold you.
Now I'd die for one more day
'cause there's something i should
have told you.
Yes there's something I should have
told you.

When I looked into your eyes.
Why does distance make us wise?
You were the song all along,
and before the song dies,

I should tell you, I should tell you,
I have always loved you.
You can see it in my eyes

After the song, Alexa wasn't holding my hand anymore. She let go, and her hand fell out of my hands. Her eyes were shut. She wasn't moving.

The room fell into dead silence. I started sobbing. I sat her up and hugged her lifeless body. I regret everything single stupid thing I've done this year. I never should've left her. She wouldn't have disappeared. This was my fault.

I laid her back down, and stood up and paced around trying to comprehend what just happened. Alexa was gone. And she didn't deserve to be.

"Lynn..." said Brendon.

"Give me a minute, Brendon, please."

"No, look. Alexa... Her hand, it's twitching!"


I sat back down next to her, and her finger was twitching like Brendon said. She started breathing again. She coughed hard and sat up when she woke up. Everyone gathered around her.

"I was heading towards this warm white light... And I swear, I saw Max... She said to me, 'Turn around, girlfriend. And listen to that girl's song.'"

I put my hand on her cheek and brought her face towards mine.

"Alexa, I love you so much..." I whispered to her.

"I love you, too, Lynn..."

"Not trying to ruin the moment or anything, but you are drenched in sweat."

Sarah came over to Alexa and felt her forehead.

"Her fever's breaking."

"While I have you all here..." started Brendon. "I'd like to show you my documentary called 'Today 4 U.' Title inspired by our very own Max."

He started up the projector, and the movie started playing. The screen started with the title reading "TODAY 4 U," and the next screen saying "A Brendon Urie Film."

The documentary had all of us in it. Even Max. I wish Max were here to see this right now. Maybe she was, but in spirit. I wish I could thank her. I wish she was still here with us.

There's only us.
There's only this.
Forget regret.
Or life is yours to miss.
No other road, no other way.
No day, but today.

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