Chapter 7

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Stepping off the plane, the heat hit me like a tonne of bricks, using my passport as a fan, I slung my hand luggage over my shoulders. I looked around me, Kian, Jordan and Jaden all talking amongst themselves. I felt Jordan's arm wrap around me, shrugging him off instantly.

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking down at me,

"Yeah, just too hot for affection." I giggled, continuing to fan myself. Once we have collected our luggage and went through passport control, the few paparazzi dotted outside of the airport were brushed to the side, climbing into the blake SUV that was waiting for us.

Once we were seated, I noticed the tanned blonde sat in the corner, also known as Kian's girlfriend; Danielle.

"Kian! I've missed you so much baby." She cooed, pressing her lips against my brothers. I looked over at Jaden, making a gagging motion, watching him chuckle shortly after. Clearing my throat, i decided now would be the perfect opportunity to introduce myself.

Danielle pulled her lips away, shooting my a filthy look, "and you are?" she asked, slumping in the leather seat.

"Someone you should maybe have a bit more respect for," i shot back, holding my hand out for her to shake, "I am Sienna, Kian's sister." I smirked, leaning against Jordan.

"I uh, sorry, I'm Danielle." She stammered shaking my hand. I gave her a gentle smile, raising an eyebrow at Kian, showing i was judging his interesting choice in women.

Kian scratched the back of his neck, "ah my two favourite ladies in the same vehicle, wonderful." Kian said, awkwardness lacing his voice.

"This is Jordan," i said, nudging Jordan, "and you've probably met Jaden.

"Jordan, nice to meet you." She smiled, "and yes, i've met Jaden."


The car ride was quiet, an awkward feeling flew around the car. My face lent against the window, watching the scenery, the sandy roads made my lips tug into a smile, the beach is most probably one of my favourite places. Once we had eventually arrived at the hotel we were staying at, I let the air-conditioning cool my body.

"Plan is, drop the luggage off then hit the beach." Kian said, handing us our keys, ushering the group over to the lift.

Jordan looked down at me, "I actually, already had plans." He said, running his hands across his cheeks.

"Is that me and you? Or just you?" I quizzed, placing a hand on my hip.

"Well, just me, i'm meeting a friend that lives out here."

"Sounds great, i'll come." I chirped, stepping out of the lift.

"I told her it was just going to be me."

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