Chapter 2

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My pounding head throbbed as I sat up, my eyes adjusting to the minimal light, my body glued to the muscular arm clasped around my waste.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," i grumbled, trying to shuffle my naked body from the bed, "clothes, shoes, bags. Where the fuck are you?" I muttered with annoyance.

"Leaving so soon?" A husky voice teased.

Clearing my throat, "I'm leaving."


"Because that's what happens."

"Round 2 not your kind of thing?"

"Where's my clothes?" I snapped, frantically searching.

"In the corner." He replied, lying back down. I scrambled to my clothes, getting dressed quickly before slipping my shoes on.

Swiping under my eyes and ruffling my hair, I grabbed my clutch.

"Leaving then?" The boy asked.

"Yes, until next time..."

"It's Jordan."

"Thanks for a good night, Jordan." I giggled, exiting his bedroom.


"Where the bloody hell have you been?!" My angry brother yelled.

My hand flew to my throbbing head, "Kian. Not so loud." I groaned.

"You didn't answer your phone! I was worried sick!"

"Oh come on, you know I went off with a boy, just like every other night out."

His hands rubbed across his face, "I seen you go off with Jaden. I was scared that you whored it up with him."

"I don't whore myself up!" I defended, pushing past my twin before storming upstairs. Taking my phone from my clutch I scrolled through the array of missed calls and unopened texts from Richard.

"Oh, Sienna, don't forget your shoot today." Kian chuckled, walking past my bedroom.

"Fuck." I groaned, going through the quickest morning routine of my life. Pulling on a black pencil skirt and Calvin Klein crop top over my underwear, I paced frantically in my walk-in-wardrobe to find my knee high grey heels.

Spying the ones I looked for, I pulled them on, grabbing my grey jacket vest.

Taking my already packed bag, I hurried down stairs.

"Ms Russo, coffee?" One of the maids offered.

"To go?" I quizzed.

"Sí." She replied, hanging my the small to go flask. Mumbling a thanks, I hurried out front, hoping my driver was waiting.

Mark was already there waiting, the limo door held open as I clambered inside, mumbling a thank you. I was definitely not feeling my finest today, the antics from the previous night catching up on me.

Taking short, quick sips from my coffee, I scrolled through my phone, being tagged in various pictures from the night before.

The same sequence happened for each picture; like and screenshot.

By the time I had finished, we had arrived at the studio, dragging my aching limbs from the limo.

"Sienna, my darling, you made it!" Richard cheered, kissing my cheeks before shooing my quickly off to get my hair and makeup done.

"Sorry about the rush, late night!" I admitted, lowering my head slightly.

Richard sighed knowingly, "oh my darling," wrapping an arm over my shoulders, "my nephew is overseeing the shoot today, he's all into media and this is a good place to start I suppose. Now position yourself by the backdrop." Richard explained, shooing me off.

The moment I sat down various clicking and flashes were going off, i tried to remain as photogenic and natural despite the throbbing head.

The crew were shouting various things to each other, the photographer barking poses at me.


"Fantastic job as usual doll." Richard praised as I changed into the clothes I came in.

"Thanks Rich, anyway, where's this nephew of yours? Is he cute" I giggled, drinking my iced tea.

"Extremely cute." Richard winked, dragging me out of the dressing room.

Looking up, my eyes were met with the hazy ones from last night.

"Jordan?!" I blurted, my hand clasping over my mouth.

"Ms Sienna, you look 10 times better than this mornin'." He teased, Richards eye brows raising.

"Huh, so this was your late night."

"Seems that way." I grumbled, my head lowering.

"Must be fate princess. Late me take you to brunch." Jordan offered, his arm holding at towards me, a smirk adorning his face.

"I'm saying yes simply because I'm hungry," I replied, turning towards Richard, "goodbye babe." I wavered, kissing his cheek.

"Bye baby doll, have fun. Not as much fun as last night!" Richard pointed pushing us away.

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