Chapter 27* The Darkest Daughter

Start from the beginning

I am heading to the training room, my feet subconsciously leading me there, but then I swerve down the corridor that leads to the maternity wards. They were relatively new and had only been set up because a woman, by the name of Kelly, had given birth recently to a healthy baby boy. Now the population was one up. I saw her playing with little Elliot through the beaded curtains, and smiled.

“How’s he coming along?” I say, startling her. I don’t go in, only peek through the curtains.

“Great, Kayla! He looks just like his father,” she replies with a happy-sad smile. I smile back awkwardly, feeling out of my depth (because what did I know about these sort of things) and then I had turned on my heel to leave.

The bag thumps against my thigh, rattling with the weapons inside. Knives, sticks, stones- everything is inside. I am learning how to make-do with different weapons, as I might not always have my knife. Atermis herself is training me, and already I have shown my skill with the bow and arrow.

Atermis is the Goddess of the Hunt, but she treats animals like they’re sacred. When we have to hunt for food, she shoots the animals, then cleans them and kneels three times with her head touching the forest floor. Some people get impatient, but I think it’s beautiful.


I stop and turn, seeing Jeremy catching up to me with his long strides. A cool expression settles over my face, as I stand imperiously waiting for him to catch his breath.

“Farah says she is sorry,” he says, straightening. “And so am I. We didn’t mean it.”

“It’s okay,” I say, softening. The sincerity in his voice does that to me, melts me into lumps as soft as butter, able to be prodded and poked into any shape. He smiles, a wide, boyish smile, and says, “Though you know, they really look up to you. We really look up to you.”

“I don’t want to be looked up to.”

“Yes,” he says. “But in times like these, people need someone to guide them. Especially with the upcoming war. To them, you are a beacon. You are hope. You are our fighting arm.”

“What’s bothering you?”

I look up, staring into Sam’s dark eyes. They look back at me, with a gentleness and understanding. Shrugging, I swallow a spoonful of mushy grain.

“Nothing. Just something Jeremy said.”

“What did he say?” The great thing I love about Sam, is that he doesn’t get jealous or protective or angry.

“He said the people look to me as their rallying point. I’m their fighting arm.” Even as I say the words, my body deflates, and the bowl is pushed away.

“And does it surprise you? That people would look up to you like that?”

“Kind of. I mean, not really. I guess a little bit? I get their needs, but that doesn’t mean I want to be, like, a figure or something.” I can hear the whine in my voice, and fall silent, embarrassed by my immaturity. “Never mind, forget about it. I’m not angry.”

Sam just looks thoughtful. Then- “Hey, if you’re not eating that, can I have some?”

Rolling my eyes, I shove the bowl towards him. “Go ahead.” He wolfs it down at a speed that only boys can manage. I watch as the bowl is scraped clean, and watch his fingers twitch as he refrains from licking it. More is never enough here, because of the scarcity of food and lack of manpower and space. All we have are our stockpiles and animals from the forest, and not many can hunt.

“We have to visit Gemini now,” Sam informs me. “We’re discussing tactics. Are you sure you’re not hungry? I’m sure they have extras somewhere.”

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