Chapter 5

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Lizzes pov

Once i see Tensa and Akane leave i think they are gonna buy me a b-day present and then i see Jeff give me a box and i'm like really -_- a box for my b-day present.

"It's a box *opens the box sees a smaller box* Literally a box -_-." I said

"Keep opening i swear its not a box."Jeff said

"*Opens the smaller to see a BOX* still a box -_- *Opens the smaller the smaller box* ANOTHER FUCKING BOX!" I yelled

"You sure it's not a box " I asked Jeff

"yes just open the boxes till you see something different" Jeff sighed

"Grrr **Opens the box and guess what ANOTHER BOX* really dude *Time skip from boxes* lets see what in the 30th box *opens box to see paper* Paper -_-" I started to get annoyed

"Yes paper take out the paper" Jeff said

"*Takes out paper to see another box but its not a brown box its a purple box* another box" I said annoyed

"Open the rest" Jeff sighed again

"*Opens the purple box to find a purple pocket knife and a purpe cutting knife* FINALLY!" I said finally getting through the quest well what I thought

"There's more" Jeff said

"-_- don't tell me" I said '

"It's on the paper" Jeff said

"*Turns paper over to see 50$ on the back and a note* *Note:guess what u must have missed another part of your b-day present ahahahaha give this to me and figure my riddle xD* Here *gives paper to jeff*" I said confused

"What's brown and tastes delicious?" Jeff asked me

"Chocolate" I said

"*Gives chocolate to Liz* happy b-day" Jeff said with a smile

"Weirdest man ever" I said

*Akanes pov*

"What to buy her what to buy her...." I said

"I know chocolate!" Tensa says

"That why i'm carrying a box of chocolate" I said annoyed

"Good point something purple?" tensa Suggested

"A number 3 in purple?" I asked since that is her favorite color and #

"That is her favorite # after all" Tensa said thinking

"Same but it's childish" I sighed

"Yeah what to buy her hmmmmmmm" Tensa thought

"WITH OUR POWER COMBINED FUN-SHI-ION-HA" Me and Tensa yelled in the store

"We are to funny in a store"Tensa laughed

"We are Otakus" I said then me and Tensa both had an idea

"Wait cosplay store!"me and tensa shouted

*Lizzes pov*


"Wait why?" Lelouch, my biggest crush, said

"Because i bought a bigger apartment right next door." I said happy

"Oh IM MOVING IN ^.^"Lelouch yelled

"Wait WHAT!!!!!" I screamed

"Yep no questions asked i don't think i could spend one more night in that cold corner i sleep in." Lelouch said

"Ok...." I said wondering how this will turn out

"WERE FINALLY BACK!!!" Akane screamed dragging Tensa

" Cool did you here i'm moving out with my baby!!" I Yelled back

"YAS" Akane Yelled

"Wait what...." Liz said

"Do you realize this is a fucking tiny ass apartment" Akane stated

"Oh well i live in a bigger apartment thingy next door so." I said

"Oh ok wait how did u buy a thingy whats its called.... Hmmmm.." Akane said thinking to herself

"An apartment" Akane's boyfriend said

Akanes boyfriend, Tensa, he's a friend of mine but now he's dating my fucking demon sister well since i'm half demon and all that other shit

"YAS That weird thingy" Akane yelled

"I bought it with my magic" I said

"U FINALLY KNOW HOW TO DO MAGIC SO PROUD OF YOU!!" Akane squeezed me like a little child

"Your... *Breath* squeezing meh *Breath* to *Breath* death *passes out* " i cried and then all i see is black

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