♚SHE [41] : REVENGE♚

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"So, your still going to be an assassin after all of this is over, huh?" he asked her.

"Well yeah, this is the line of work that I chose... can't back out now." she leaned her back on the bench and closed her eyes a bit, inhaling the nice, fresh air around her.

"It must be tough for you... the path you chose, huh?" he stated.

"Not really, I didn't become an assassin just because I wanted to kill or take pleasure of killing." she said.

"What? Then... why did you became one if you don't want to kill?" he asked.

She stood up from the bench as she threw her can of empty drinks in the trashcan, then she turned to Nagisa with a serious expression.

"Because of revenge."

"...Revenge? Why?"

Her eyes turned crystal cold as the coldness illuminates with the color of her red orbs.

"I want to take revenge on the man who killed my parents...I'm going to avenge their deaths."

"..." Nagisa couldn't say anything, whenever he had something to say, his tongue was tied into knots, words were unable to escape his lips, he was surprised.

"But, what are you doing in our classroom? Isn't your mission to hunt for that man first and not Koro-sensei?"

"I need to kill that monster too, if the world ends this coming march...I wouldn't have the chance to kill the man who assassinated my parents."

"I see...it makes sense."

All this time, he thought that this girl entered the classroom for fun, but what he didn't know she had an ulterior motive...it was a revenge.

"Once I killed that octopus...I'm so going to take back my revenge, without a fail!" she was fixated in the revenge, blood lust filled her eyes, until her gaze softened as she smiled at him.

"I'm not gonna stop you in being an assassin, no one can get to decide your future but yourself!"

Nagisa's eyes glistened, inspired by her words as she smiled.

"Who do you think your working for anyways?" she asked.

"Um...my friends in the classroom?" he answered.

"Your wrong." she said.

"My parents...?" he said.

"Your working for yourself, blockhead! Get it in your skull." Nagisa was silenced again as she looked up at the sky above and raised her hands up in the air.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."

✦ ✧ ✦

The next day, Nagisa's mom came to school to talk with Koro-sensei who was disguised as Karasuma, she was very pissed that their teacher didn't approve as she blow her anger.

Afterwards, his mom drugged him with the dish that she made, and now Nagisa opened his eyes and saw that he was at his classroom.

His eyes widened when he saw his mother holding a torch of fire in her hands, that's when it struck him... her mother was going to burn down the classroom.

"W-What are you doing, mom?" he asked.

"Nagisa...burn this classroom, burn it with your own two hands!" his mother said.

She Has A Secret | AC | Karma x OC | Book 2 [EDITED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora