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"Hey, Perce!"

I squealed and ran towards my uncle, Tony. I jumped into his arms, and he laughed. I laughed with him.

He gave me a hug. "Happy birthday, bud! You excited, or what?"

I nodded happily. My mom called from the doorway, "Percy! Tony! Get in here!"

He hefted me onto his shoulders and ran to the doorway, making me squeal.

Once inside, my mom said in a sing-song tone, "There's blue cake on the table~!"

With a gasp, Tony let me down and I dashed to the dining table in our little apartment. Mom had already had a seat pulled out for me and a slice of cake cut for me on the table.

Tony took a seat next to me as I inhaled my cake. He chuckled lightly as blue frosting and crumbs littered the area around my mouth. Mom sat across from us two and smiled.

"So, Tony, how have you been lately?"

He set down his fork and sighed. His shoulders slumped forward and he had a little frown on his face. It made me worried. "Uncle Tony?"

He looked at me. "Me and your mom are gonna go talk. Will you be alright for a couple of minutes?"

I nodded, but I was worried.

He and Mom got up and went into what I thought was her room. I ate my cake slower, and tried to listen to the conversation.

At first, there were just whispers. But, then the whispers started to get louder and louder until they were yelling. "-Tony! It's too dangerous!"

"Sally, I don't care! It...It needs to happen, alright?! If you want, you can come-"

"I can't do that to Percy! We are staying here, where it's safe. If things get too hard, I need to be able to get him to camp!"

"Fuck the camp!"


"He's way better off under the protection of the Avenge-"

"No! What about Thor?! I'm trying to keep him away from all of that!"

Suddenly, the yelling quieted down again. Then, they both walked back into the dining room with fake smiles on their faces.

Tony sat back down next to me and pulled out a little black box from his pocket. He looked at me with a half-smile. "Percy, you're turning seven now...and I think it's time that you get something a little...grown up."

He opened the box, and I stared at its contents in awe.

It was a ring, with silver banding the outside with a turquoise center band. Etched into the turquoise was a trident.

I took it out of the box and tried it on my left pointer finger, but it was too big. I frowned. Tony laughed. "Just give it a second."

Right as he said it, the ring began to shrink until it was just the right size for my finger. My mouth was wide open in shock. My mom smiled sadly. "Look, I've got one too."

She held out her finger, and I saw a ring. It had the same silver bands on the outside, but the center was made of a darker blue, a wave pattern etched into it. Tony showed me one he had; the same silver bands, but with a dark red center and a weird, glowing circle. He gave me a warm smile. "The ring will always fit and you'll never be able to lose it; it'll always appear on your finger."

"Cool! Thanks, Uncle Tony!"

I sprung at him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back, and we stayed there for a couple of minutes.

With a sigh, he got up and started walking towards the door. I followed him, then put my hand in his.

As he reached the door, he turned and knelt in front of me. He put a finger under my chin and forced me to look at him. "Don't forget me, alright kid?"

"Where are you going? When are you coming back?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. But I'll be back someday, alright?"

I nodded. Little did I know that he said "someday" and not "Sunday." (I was severely disappointed the next Sunday).

With one last hug, he went out the door and got into his nice car. With one last wave, he drove off.


That was just over ten years ago, on my seventh birthday. It's late November now, after the Giant War.

Long story short we stopped the giants and Gaea, while simultaneously stopping a major war from breaking out between the Greeks and Romans.

I'm walking down the street to my mom's apartment alone. I would've brought Annabeth with me, but A) I haven't seen my mom for around nine or ten months, so a little alone time would be good, and B) She is in San Francisco visiting her family, who she hasn't seen for probably around five months or so.

But anyways, as I walked down the street, I fiddled with Riptide in my pocket. Images of the pit were flashing in my head, making me jumpy.

Before I know it, I'm standing in front of the door. Suddenly, I don't know what to do. I haven't seen my mom or Paul since before the queen of gods herself took my memories and planted me across the country.

Sucking in a breath, I raised my fist to the door and knocked. I could hear my mom yell, "Paul! Can you get that please?!"


I hear the heavy footsteps of my step-dad coming towards the door. He fumbles with the lock for a second, then the door swings open.

His light brown eyes stare at me in shock. I rub the back of my head nervously. "Uh, hi."

The look of shock disappears from his face, replace with a huge smile. He calls, "Sally! You might wanna see this!"

I can hear her sigh, and her light footsteps. She peers over his shoulder and freezes.

Her dark hair is tied in a low pony tail, and she was wearing a light blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Her dark blue eyes looked tired.

She gasped when she saw me. Within an instant, her arms were wrapped around my neck in a tight embrace. I could feel her tears soaking my worn shirt.

I hugged her back immediately. She muttered, "Oh my gods, you're safe. My little boy..."

She released me from the hug, but still held my at arm's length. She cupped my cheek with her hand and wiped away tears I didn't realize were streaming down my face

In the blink of an eye, she turned motherly, "Percy Jackson! Where have you been?! Do you know how worried we were?! Poseidon didn't tell me anything, Annabeth and I were worried sick! And then, I suddenly get this call eight months after you've been missing, saying you were on a quest?! You better explain yourself!"

I smiled sheepishly. "I can explain?"


Hey y'all! So, this is a PJO/HOO fanfic I've been workin' on lately. I like it so far, do you guys? Tell me what you think I should add or take away. I know, the "Uncle Tony" thing is kinda overused, but I needed some sort of connection between the two groups, and Tony and Percy are similar, so I though "why not?". But yeah, tell me what I should fix! Depending on how the reads go, I might update within the next week.

Love y'all!


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