Ms.D: give it up for your CC majorette/dance team and the girls also known as QOD

the audience was stand on chairs screaming, and chanting QOD over an over again( the girls performance is below)

Ms.D: yeah yeah give it up for them, now welcome our pep rally host for today Romeo Miller

Romeo: wassup CARTER, who is ready to turn up

The Students: *screaming*

Romeo: naw naw i said who is ready to turn up, an knuck these knights

The Students: *screaming an chanting CC*

Romeo: Ok, let me have your majorette captin, cheerleading captin, senior class president, an QOD out here please

*me an the girls go out there*

Romeo: introduce ur selfs please so i know who is who

Brea: hey i'm the cheer leading captain

Drea: hi i am the majorette captain

Lyssa: hello i'm the senior class president, also wassup its ur girl Lyssa

Brea: hey its ur drama mama Brea

Drea: and its urs truly Drea an we are

Together: QOD

Romeo: wait u mean lyssa, as an alyssa

Lyssa: yea, y

Romeo: you dont remember me, Lyssa i was the first boy you ever sung with in elementary

Lyssa: * starts crying* Roro...oh my gosh* runs into his arms *crying*

Romeo:* picks me up an swing me around* you look amazing *kisses my cheek* will you preform one song with me before we end the show

Lyssa: of course

Ben: so what the hell is this
Lyssa: roro this is my boyfriend Ben, Ben this my best friend from when i was lil
Romeo: wassup man
Ben: yea that better be all, lyssa get ur ass to practice NOW!!!
Lyssa: bye roro* hugs him an tries to leave, scared*
Romeo:{in his head, something ain't right the lyssa i know would have cussed his ass out for talking to her like that, i got go find out what's going on}* grabs lyssa's arm, gives her a card with information on it* here is my info, me an the fam is coming to the game to see u perform. So call me after wards cause ur mom said u can stay the night with me an the fam an ur sister an cousin is coming too,ok?
Lyssa: ok* she says scared then she turns an runs away*

~At the game, time for the girls to perform~
"There performance is below just picture it on the football field"

Romeo's family was like a second family to lyssa, so they was all sitting only two rows up from the girls, but as they got done an was about to sit down lyssa past out before she could sit down, once Romeo noticed he told his mom to call lyssa' mom an for his dad to call 911, when he got down there they let him get her up off the ground an he asked had she ate everyone said no. Finally the EMT got there, Romeo said that he would ride with lyssa, when they got there they made him wait in the waiting room. 2 hours later they told him she was ok an led him to the room, they said she was still sleep an would be waking up soon. When he walked in the room he saw she had bruises on her cheeks, arms, an chest.

~Romeo POV~
I need to calm down, i don't know what happened. So let me calm down, but that's going to be hard cause this girl is my life, i have loved her since we was lil but never got to tell her. I feel her boyfriend has something to do with this, i really dont like him, i will kill him if he had something to do with this. Oh my gosh she is beautiful with an without makeup i wish could wife her like i *gco by the nurse coming in*
Nurse: excuse me the people who says they are family are here, we feel it will be better if you tell them whats wrong with her maybe it wont be as bad from family
Me: yea, ok*walks in the waiting room*
Adrienne:*run over to me crying* what's wrong with my baby girl
Me: she was starving herself, she is dehydrated, an a-an *starts crying* an she has bruises like she has been beating
Adrienne: oh my god my baby!!!!*hugs me an starts crying with me*
Then I hear lyssa screaming my name, an mommy as doctors an nurses runs to her room. Me an Adrienne start running to her room, lyssa was crying out for me, they let me lay with her but kept crying an the i remembered the song that will get her to stop crying an tell me wat happened.
*The song i sung for her to calm down a tell me what happened is below*

Me: are you ready to tell me what's been going on
Lyssa: yea, well...

TBC!!!! Comment, an vote. Tune in tomorrow for an update, ok love you guys.!!. <3<3<3<3

 {Q.O.D version}*Abused, but becomes a star*Where stories live. Discover now