April 25nd, 2016 - April Fools Day Results

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Hello everyone! We're here with MLFanFicRec's first results for their ML contest! We got just enough enough results to fill up all three spots, but we hope to grow and have more entries in the near future. If your entry wasn't added to our reading list (because this is how we organize the entries), that must've meant your entry didn't show up on the #MLFanFicRec tag. Be sure to comment the link of your book so we won't leave it out!

Congratulations to:

First Place - The Set-Up by FrogTwinTopMagician
The plot line is absolutely amazing. I loved the idea of having a Trickster as an Akuma; perfect for the theme!

Second Place - No Joke by Sans_Undertale_Puns
A bit of Marichat + a bit of Adrinette = a whole ton of adorable fluff. A great read!

Third Place - Lady Fortune by Elsa_Loves_Snow
At first, it is possible for the reader to find the plot confusing until the very end, in which blows out their minds!

Honorable mention - April Fools Joke by Ramona_Hood
Other contests won't have honorable mention, but since this is our first contest, this absolutely deserves to be with everyone.

To our winners, be sure to P.M. us for your prizes! To the first place winner, we will be giving you a sticker to put on your book cover to mark your success! Congratulation to all our winners, and much thanks to everyone who participated in our first contest! Be sure to check out our next contest coming up in early May!

Thanks for reading!

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