Make Yourself At Home

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I giggled to myself as I remembered what I saw. The secret was out; I knew who Allie had dated now! I can't believe she dated Draco Malfoy! I never would have pegged her for a bad guy kind of gal. The smiled faded off my face when I remembered the rest of the vision. I mean, Voldemort? And......I don't even want to think about what I saw at the last bit. No, that couldn't happen. I would make sure of it.

"Nothing, I didn't see anything," I said. Fred gave me an incredulous look and I decided to tell him the truth, kind of. "I can't tell you what I saw; it's not my secret to tell Freddie. If I could, I would."

"I suppose I understand," Fred pouted.

"Put your shirt back on! I need to go talk to Allie," I said, throwing his shirt at him.

"I know your secret bitch!" I told Allie, a smirk on my face. We were sitting on her bed with the curtains draw, though that wouldn't stop anyone from hearing us. I had drawn many weird looks as I pranced through the Gryffindor common room. It's not every day you see in a Hufflepuff in there. Especially alone.

"Which one?" Allie asked, eyeing me with suspicion.

"I know who you dated. I had a vision about it," I said smugly.

"What did you see?" she asked, astonishment thickly coating her voice.

"You and Draco Malfoy. It looked to be about two years from now. I don't want to go into specifics, mostly because I don't know a lot of those, but I would suggest that you didn't start seeing him again. I saw.....really bad things," I said, weaving my way around the truth. I didn't want to say what I actually saw; I didn't even want to think about it. I mean poor little Allie.....

"Yeah, I think we're pretty much over for good," she sighed and looked down. She looked as if she was about to cry. I couldn't help but pull her into a hug. She was so sad, and if that really was her future, then she had worse things coming.

"I mean, you can change the future, visions have never been wrong before. You were together in the future." I really, really didn't want to tell her. That makes me a horrible person. If I told her what I saw, then maybe she could prevent it. This was the worst time to be a seer; when it's your friend's lives your seeing go down in flames.

"Do you think I could come visit you on Christmas break? Is it too early to ask? It's just...I'd like to talk to your mom," I said anxiously. I've never spoken to another seer before, and I'd really like to.

"Yeah, of course."


Allie's POV

It was Friday and I was walking back to the common room after Quidditch tryouts. Ron had made it on the team and I was really happy for him. Harry unfortunately wasn't present, as he had detention with Umbridge.

I was bored and decided to take the long way, so I was deep into the castle when I heard someone walking quickly up behind me. I whipped my dark head of hair around quickly and felt my heart start to race as I found out who it was.

"I heard you're going to Hogsmeade with Dean Thomas," he spat the name. His blonde hair was slightly ruffled and he looked a little angry.


"Why are you going with that git?"

"Like you have room to talk," I said as I turned back on my heels and strode off towards the common room. I heard his footsteps quicken and felt a hand grab my arm. His touch sent familiar chills down my body.

"Draco, what is your problem? You broke up with me! Did you expect me to stay single forever afterwards? If you wanted me, you could've had me. It's your fault, not mine," I said, trying not to get emotional, though it was bound to happen.

"I'm sorry. I really, really am. I wish so badly that I could take it back. I tried....." he mumbled the bit and looked to be lost in thought.

"Well, you can't just take it back. You've already fucked up."

"I know I did. But I love you Allie, and that's not going to change. Whether I can take it back or not. I will always love you." His grey eyes were looking straight into mine. I couldn't help but fall slightly under the same spell again. I found myself gravitating toward him, wanting him so badly. I just wanted to feel his lips on mine one more time.

"Draco! What are you doing with that cow," I heard a familiar drawl which caused me to snap out of my trance. What the hell was I doing?

"Pansy, go away! I thought I told you to stay on the other end of the castle."

"Is this bitch bothering you?" Pansy said, her voice coated with venom. Oh, this bitch.

I breathed slowly, in and out, getting a hold on my anger before I knocked this bitch out.

"You are not worth it," I said, directing it at the two Slytherin prefects in front of me. I stalked off and was relieved not to hear any footsteps behind me. I did glance back one time, out of sheer curiosity. The next thing I knew, I was flooded with absolute rage. As I watched, Pansy had grabbed Draco's face and kissed him right on the mouth.

I ran to the common room now. I could feel tears of rage and jealousy and sadness welling up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them, even as I walked into a full common room. I managed to find Ginny through my clouded vision sitting on our couch, thankfully alone. I ran up to her and sat right in her lap, wrapping my arms around her neck and crying into her shirt.

I knew people were staring, but I could care less at the moment. Ginny's soft 'shhhs' calmed me down enough to tell her what happened.

"I talked to Draco in the hall," I explained, my voice raspy, "He told me that he loved me and we almost kissed, but then Pansy walked up and I left. When I turned back, she was kissing him!"

"I'm so sorry, Allie. He's a dog, and she is a bitch. We'll get him back. At Hogsmeade, he is going to get it." Ginny comforted me until I was in a right state to go to bed.

"Can you sleep in my room with me?" I asked. I wanted someone who I could trust with me. Just to keep me from doing something stupid, like leaving in the middle of the night to go murder Pansy.

"Of course I can." Ginny was such a doll.

She slept in my bed with me and smoothed down my hair as I cried some more. I knew I was acting like a drama queen, but my heart was broken beyond belief. On top of that, I was scared that he had such a hold over me. I was ready to forget all that happened just to kiss him again. You'd think after Emmy's warning that I'd be more careful, maybe even use a little of my common sense, but no. He made my brain mush.

I really hope that this Dean Thomas situation works out, because I don't know how I can go on with hurting like this. I would end up murdering Pansy, and I didn't want to go to Azkaban.

Casualty Of Love {Harry Potter FF}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora