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"Damn it! Why can't you do anything right!?" my father's voice rang in my ear. "I'm sorry." I mumbled, letting my hair cover my eyes.

He grunted and walked out the front door, slamming it as hard as he could.

My father was drunk again, for the 4th time this week. Everyday he would blame me, or abuse me in some kind of way. Whether if he was drunk or not, it didn't matter. He would still punish me and blame me for things I didn't my mother's death.

Memories of that day still haunts me to this day. I wish it didn't happen. The worst thing about it, is that there is not one single detail you can forget from that night.

It was just a normal night at home, and everything was first. We all heard a knock at our front door, as my mother, father, sisters, and I sat on the couchin front of the TV.

My father slowly got up, as mother told us, "Go upstairs girls. Everything will be alright, now hurry." We weren't expecting anyone. My sisters and I looked at our mother with a hint of fear.

She shooed us away as the three of us ran upstairs into one bedroom which was Christie's.

There was silence, but then it was overpowered with blood curling screams and yells from mother and father. Scared was an understatement. Christie, Melissa, and I were terrified. But with me being the oldest, I tried to calm them down, and told them to hide in the small closet.

They did as they were told, and soon the three of us hid in the closet, too scared to come out. Minutes pass, and we thought the coast was clear.

But man, I was dead wrong.

We all could hear the door to the bedroom burst open and break down on the floor.
"Where are you!" a man yelled in anger.

"Don't you dare touch them!" we heard our mother cry.

There was rustling, scratching, kicking, and shattering on the outside of the door.
And last but not least, there was one finally high pitched scream, only to come from our mother.

Tears filled my sisters' and my own eyes.

We were about to open the door, but instead, the man yanked it open himself.
"There you are!" he yelled as an insane smirk grew on his face.

The man, grabbed a handful of my blonde locks, and punched me hard across the face.
There was surely going to be a huge bruise there by tomorrow.

I groaned in pain, but managed to stand up.

When I looked up, I found the man grabbing a fistful of Melissa's hair. Turning around to find something to hit him with, I found a small knife that he must've dropped.

Being only 14, I didn't know what else to do, but stab him with it. As I charged, tears were falling from my eyes, knowing I would probably kill him before he kills my family. Once jamming the knife, directly into his stomach, he fell to his knees and looked up at me. I looked into his eyes, trying to hide the fear I had inside.

His eyes filled with hate, and anger as he glared dangerously at me. Then he fell on his back, and his breathing slowly came to a stop.

Christie and Melissa looked at me with shocked and terrified expressions. The two cautiously crawled over to my side.

"Is he...dead?" asked Christie as he looked at his body looking for any signs of movements. "Yeah." I answered quietly. I fell into a seated position as my sisters kneeled by my side.

We all heard someone running up the stairs, causing both of my sisters to run behind me. But it was only father who ran through the door way, covered in fresh blood "Where is he?" he asked us.

We all pointed to where the lifeless man lay on the floor. "Trish killed him." Christie replied as our father nodded and looked around the room, and his eyes stopped at a sight he did not want to see.

Our mother was soaking in blood...her blood.

"Alice!" father yelled as he ran to our mother's side. She coughed up large amounts of blood, and opened her eyes to look at all of us.

"Is he dead?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. Trish stabbed him." answered Melissa this time.

Mother nodded and looked at father, "Please take good care of them, John."

"Don't leave me." father said softly as tears poured from his eyes.

"Girls..." mother began as she turned to look the three of us in the eyes, "never give up...Fight for what you believe in..."

"Yes mother." the three of us said in unison. My sisters already had tears falling down their faces. I tried to stay strong, but tears welded up in my eyes.

Mother turned to looked up at father who was crying his eyes out. "Please don't leave me." he begged.

"I won't...because I'll always be with you in here." she said smiling softly as she pointed to his heart.

The color of her skin began to fade to a pale white, as more blood escaped her body.
"I can see a white light..." she said as her breathing slowed, "This is where I need to go...towards the light....Remember to always..."

Our dying mother gasped for one last breath, "...believe."

(Memory Stops)
Ever since that night, father has always been out drunk at a club, and come home and torture the three of us.

Mostly he would hit me because I defend my sisters. It's okay, I guess. As long as he doesn't touch them, I'm fine. I wouldn't want anything to happen to those two, not with him like this.

This is my life, and this is how it always will be.

I wish.
I just wish.
That I was invisible.

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