Don't Be Afraid Part 1

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It was almost 11 pm and the four coaches were still on the studio talking about the performances of the night and the entire schedule for the season finale of The Voice. In the room were Adam, Christina, Blake, Cee Lo, Carson and Mark. They were there since the end of the show.

“It seems a little bit quiet here, doesn’t it?” Adam said

Christina then looked at her watch. “Of course it is. Is already 11 pm, we’re here for almost two hours now”

“And we haven’t even dinner yet” Blake said

“Man, you can’t stop thinking about food?” Adam joked.

“What? I’m hungry.”

“He’s right, is better that we finish this in a restaurant or something” said Mark, closing his laptop.

“Well, I know a good restaurant near here, we can have dinner there” Cee Lo suggested.

“For me it’s ok” Christina said.

“Let’s go then” Adam said.

So they left the studio and went to the restaurant. They spent another hour eating and talking.

“Christina, you asked me to resent to you the e-mail with the schedule of tomorrow’s show, I mean today’s night show. I just sent, did you receive?” Mark asked

“Let me check” She grabbed her bag and start searching for her phone. She looked in her bag, in the pockets of her coat and jeans but she didn’t found it.

“Damn it!!” she said

“What?” it caught Cee Lo’s attention.

“Guess I forgot my phone at the studio… Do you think that would still have someone there at this time?” she asked to Mark.

“Well, as I know they close the set at midnight, I don’t know if someone remains there through the night” he said.

“I need my phone, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow and my whole schedule is in there. Is better I hurry if I want to find anyone there” she said grabbing her bag and standing up. “Bye guys!” she gave a brief nod in their direction and left.

Adam saw her leaving in that way and got worried. “Hey! Where is she going, what happened?” he asked.

“She forgot her cell at the studio” Cee Lo answered.

“Did she call her driver?” Adam asked

“I don’t know, I think she is going to call a taxi” he said.

Christina was trying to call a taxi when she heard Adam’s voice

“Hey Chris! Wait!” Adam came running from the restaurant.

“Adam! Sorry I had to leave that way, I’m a little hurried” she said

“I know. I can take you to the studio if you want”

“No it’s okay I’m getting a taxi”

“Oh c’mon! I assure you that I’m much faster than any cab.” He said smirking.

She laughed, she knew that but she was trying to avoid getting too close to him since she realized that her feelings for him were stronger than friendship, much stronger.

“I bet you are” she said laughing “But really, you can go back and finish your dinner, it’s all right.”

“I’ve already finished” he said touching her arm. “Let me help you”

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