The DarkWitch

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 I woke up with my legs and hands tied. The woman was working at a desk with a small bowl. She looked over at me, her green eyes still shining with DarkWitch power.

I groaned. My head hurt with a major headache. The woman's hood had come down, revealing long black hair, pale skin, and black cat ears. She grinned evilly. "Ah, you woke up! Just in time for you to see me work my magic!" She said, with a slight laugh.

"Magic? What do you mean by that, DarkWitch?" I asked.

She looked astonished. "DarkWitch? Why the labels? Would you like me to call you LightWitch, Jalian?" She asked. "I believe we should be on friendlier terms than that! Please, call me Killa."

I held back a laugh. "Killa? As in 'Killer?'" I asked, amused.

"No, Keel-ah." she corrected.

I rolled my eyes. "So, Killer. What are you planning on doing to me?" I asked.

"Oh! Well, I've been working on a new potion- that's my Witch Power -To turn LightWitches into DarkWitches!" She said, excitedly. "I needed a test subject, and I could tell you were a LightWitch from your eyes, so I figured you were perfect for the job!"

I watched as a mouse ran over her desk. Geez... I thought. Apparently Killa isn't very clean. Then, I saw the mouse accidentally knock over a tablet into the bowl. A bit of blue liquid jumped out, and in the middle of it's fall, it turned green. Killa turned back to the bowl and didn't react. Apparently, she was colorblind. She poured the green liquid into a beaker, then poured a cup of it into a glass. "Now, after my years of hard work, my DarkWitch Serum is complete!" She exclaimed. She walked over to me. "Drink up!"

She opened my mouth and poured the liquid in. It tasted like dead rats, flat soda, vinegar, and dishwasher detergent were all mixed together. Suddenly, I felt my eyes burn, and I turned paler. I didn't think evilly, but I certainly looked like a DarkWitch. Killa looked ecstatic. "Ha ha ha! YES! FINALLY, IT WORKED!" She yelled, jumping around. She suddenly stopped jumping. "I have to call Krys!" She shouted, running out of the room. I heard her screaming into a phone. "KRYS! KRYS, I DID IT! I DID IT!"

I looked at myself. I still thought normally, but a couple evil thoughts I didn't actually mean made their way into my mind. I closed my eyes, and for some reason, willed myself to turn back to a LightWitch. When I opened my eyes, all the dark thoughts were gone, and I looked normal. I worked my hand free and attempted to make the rope come to life and untie me. It worked. If I'm still a DarkWitch, then my powers still haven't changed.

I looked at the open window. If I could get to that window... I thought. You may be wondering why I'm worrying about getting to it. Well, this room is tall. To get to that window, I'd have to climb a lot of boxes. Luckily, my power makes that easier. I animated a box to act as an elevator, and I went up to the window and climbed out. 

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