Chapter 5: Mercurymon's Test

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Chapter 5: Mercurymon's Test

I was leaving class when Reina came up. "Hey Takuya did you study for the test today?" I gave her a confused look.

"But I didn't have any tests today?" She walked away with a evil grin on her face. I shrugged and walked to the gate where I was meeting my friends. "Hey guys!" They all looked up. "we ready to go."

"Yeah, you baka we were just waiting on you." I laughed. They all smiled. "Come on, the digital world won't save itself." I followed them to Shibuya Station. We were walking in the digital world. When I heard a familiar voice.

"Well it is about time you got here. I thought you would show up." We all look up and saw Mercurymon. "How about a game." The area around us started to change. "If you pass my tests I will tell you who I am." Seems fair, we pass this we get to know our enemy. "I will put you through different tests that will hopefully be strong points for you." A gaming console popped up in front of us. "Let the test begin." He disappeared. Tomoki stepped up.

"I got this you guys know I have been good at video games since I was little. You all know that." We were there for about five minutes before Tomoki beat it. "There done."

"One down, let's keep going." I led on to the next room. There was a bunch of food all over the room. Izumi pushed forwards.

"Out of the way I have this under control." I almost forgot about Izumi's big appetite. I think she has a bigger appetite than Junpei. That took about twenty minutes. I mean how does a girl eat that much. We moved to the next room and there are two screens. The first screen had a huge math problem. I know this is my room.

"Kouji your good at math right." He looked lost.

"Yeah but I have never seen math like this. Izumi you're in the advanced class." I rolled my eyes and pushed myself forward and started to answer the problem. "Takuya? What are you doing?"

"Didn't you know Kouji we are in the same math class. You know that teacher always gives a college problem to a student." I see Kouji nod. "Takuya was called on and got it correct." His jaw dropped.

"Done!" I see the door open. "Come on, I want more of a challenge. Is that the best you got Mercurymon!" Kouji hugged me.

"Wow, Taky that was cool! I didn't know how smart you are." He leaned closer.

"Come on, you two let's keep moving." Kouji ran to catch up with the others. I see Izumi whisper something to Kouji. They will figure out soon. I will make sure of that. "Takuya are you coming." I nodded and ran to catch up to them.

Kouji pov's

Beauty and brains do I know how to pick them. I was leaning closer. When Izumi yelled at us. "Come on, you two let's keep moving." Damn, why does she have to interrupt us. I walked up to Izumi. "Did I interrupt your flirting Kouji." I glared at her. Well we finished the test I don't want to go into detail. We were standing in front of Mercurymon and he smiled.

"Well, looks like you passed." His data started to glow and he transformed back to his human self. He looked like a younger Takuya. I hear Takuya gasp.

"Sh-Shinya what are you doing here?" Shinya his little brother. "Why? Otoutou why are you doing this." Tears were coming to his eyes.

"Taky." I was about reach for his shoulder when I notice the others start to disappear around me.

"Kouji!" I was in the middle of a forest.

"I wanted to talk to you personally." I turn around and see Shinya with a evil smile.

"Why, are you doing this. Did you see Taky he looked so sad. How could you do this to him. He is your brother."

"You know it is a shame." I gave him a confused look. "I can see you care a lot about my brother. It is a shame he doesn't feel the same. He said he liked someone from your group but didn't say who. I think it was some girl."

"Izumi." I looked down.

"Kouji! Kouji-kun!" I looked up and saw Takuya. He jumped into my arms. "I was so worried about you." I hugged him back. He pulled away. "He didn't do anything to you did he. I always can get him grounded." I laughed.

"Nii-san you have to make your decision now. Family or the one you love." What kind of choice is that. "I will talk to you later about if you want but make your choice. You know where to find me."

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