Part 67 (Season Finale)

Start from the beginning

Parth: How many times do I have to say this to you ? I love your gorgeous hair let loose like this. Never tie them up ! They're beautiful just like this !

Niti: Yeah but it's okay if I forget ! You're always there to correct me right ?!

Parth: I might not be there always !

Niti: (suddenly turning angry) Don't say that Parth ! Please ! Never ever say something meaning that you and me would be separated ! Because I don't want to be away from you ever !

Saying that she places her arms around his shoulders and moves closer to give a quick peck on his lips.

They pack and start moving towards the parking lot.

Parth: Okay listen ! The flight is of 5.15 am tomorrow. So let's do one thing, let's stay back at my place and then we can leave together tomorrow morning. As it is, the airport is much closer to my place.

Niti: But Parth, my bags are at my place. I would need my luggage !

Parth: Yeah so right now, let's go to your place first and you can carry your luggage and move to my place.

They quickly reach Niti's place and she collects her luggage which was already packed. She used to have a maid take care of Smurphy and her house while she was away for shoot and now that she was going away for so many days, she was to hand over Smurphy to Veebha as she was to take care of him. They stopped by at Veebha's place on the way to drop Smurphy and then headed towards Parth's place.

It was around 11.45 by the time they reached his place and both of them were exhausted ! As soon as Niti took the keys from Parth and opened the door, he got in and instantly collapsed on the couch itself.

Niti: (laughing at his exhausted condition) So Mr. Samthaan, do you wish to cancel the trip since you're so tired ?

She had been saying that, bending over him lying on the couch. He had his eyes closed but as soon as she said that, he took her by surprise by suddenly opening his eyes and pulling her over him and said,

Parth: Miss. Niti Taylor, I can do anything but not cancel an opportunity to spend a holiday with you ! *winks*

She could not respond to that and simply blushed. After a few minutes of shyness, she continued,

Niti: Okay now can I please freshen up ? I need to take a shower !

Parth: Sure ! (Seductively) Do you want me to lead you to the bathroom ?

Niti: (pushing him away and getting up) No thank you ! Fortunately, I've been to your house earlier and I do know the way to the bathroom.

Saying that she rushed towards his bedroom and locked the door so that he wouldn't follow.

20 minutes later she walked out of the room dressed in her pajamas expecting Parth to have fallen fast asleep but was surprised to find him still sitting on the couch watching TV probably trying to kill time waiting for her. She was touched by that gesture because she was well aware how exhausted he had been but he still stayed up waiting for her. She walked up to him and cuddled beside him on the couch, resting her head on his chest. He too covered her with his arm around her shoulder and gave her a soft peck on her forehead.

None of them realised when they passed out on the couch itself and suddenly Niti woke up in the morning to find the time in the clock as 4.00 am. She suddenly panicked as they were getting late and was about to wake Parth up but when she took one look at him sleeping peacefully beside her, she decided to give him a few more minutes of rest. She quickly went into the bathroom to freshen up and was ready in the next 10 minutes, without her make up of course.

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